Reflective of Career Readiness Class Generasi GIGIH 3.0: Career Growth Path
Muhammad Alfian Sendhy Ramadhinata
Former GDSC Lead | Android & Flutter Enthusiast
Hi everyone, I’m so excited to share the valuable insights I got from attending the Career Readiness Class session with the theme “Career Growth Path” in Generasi GIGIH 3.0 by GoTo Impact Foundation .
The session focused on three main areas: identifying core values, creating a Personal Growth Plan (PGP), and committing to the goal with Kaizen. We explored the values, set clear career goals, and learned how to continuously improve and adapt our plans for personal and professional growth.
1. Identify Core Values
The session helped me to explore my core values, which are essential for building a successful and fulfilling career. Through introspection and guided exercises, I discovered the principles and beliefs that are most important to me. This helped me to understand my personal drivers and what kind of work environment and career path would be a good fit for me. I also realized that some of my core values had been influencing my decisions unconsciously, while others had become more important to me over time. This new knowledge will help me to make more informed decisions about my career and ensure that I pursue opportunities that are aligned with my core being.
2. Create Personal Growth Plan
The Personal Growth Plan (PGP) that I created in Career Readiness Class 1 was a game-changer. It gave me a clear roadmap for achieving my career goals, and it helped me to break down my long-term vision into smaller, more manageable steps. This made me feel more confident and focused on my journey, knowing that every step I take is contributing to my overall advancement.
Here are the key steps involved in creating an effective PGP:
— Step 1: Establish A Clear Vision
The first step in creating a personal growth plan is for us to envision where we want to be in our careers. Let's think about our long-term goals, what we are passionate about, and what we want to achieve. This will help us to create a plan that is aligned with our values and aspirations.
— Step 2: Look for Development Opportunities
Once we have a clear vision of our career goals, it is important for us to identify the skills and knowledge we need to achieve them. There are many different ways to develop your skills and knowledge, such as attending workshops, taking courses, or seeking out mentors.
— Step 3: Formulate Action Plan
To make our long-term goals seem less daunting, we should break them down into smaller, more manageable steps with specific and measurable objectives. We should also include a timeline, resources needed, and potential challenges in our action plan.
— Step 4: Review and Evaluate
Creating a Personal Growth Plan is not a one-off task. We need to regularly review and evaluate it. Let's set aside time at regular intervals to assess our progress and make adjustments to our plan if needed.
3. Commit The Goal with KaiZen
The concept of Kaizen, which was introduced in Career Readiness Class 1, has changed the way I approach my career goals. By embracing the philosophy of continuous improvement, I have come to realize that consistent, incremental progress is the key to long-term success.
Kaizen has helped me to overcome the fear of failure and perfectionism that often held me back. Instead of aiming for flawless outcomes from the start, I now understand the value of taking small steps and learning from each experience. This iterative process not only enhances my skills, but it also allows me to adapt to changing circumstances and seize new opportunities as they arise.
By embracing Kaizen, I have come to appreciate the beauty of progress and the importance of staying resilient in the face of challenges. I am excited to apply this principle to my career journey, knowing that every step forward, no matter how small, brings me closer to realizing my dreams.
Wrapping Up
Career Readiness Class: Career Growth Path has been a valuable experience that has helped me to understand my motivations, create a roadmap for growth, and adopt a mindset of continuous improvement. I am now better equipped to navigate my career journey and I am grateful for the insights and tools that I have gained. I am excited to continue on my path of personal and professional growth.
For the last words, I would like to express my gratitude to Kak? Dwi Putra Apri S. for sharing her knowledges about Career Growth Path. Last but not least, I would also like to thank those of you who have read this article until the end.