Reflection: Buckle up, slow down and don't text or drink when driving...
According to the World Health Organization, road accidents are the leading cause of death of young people ages 15-29. Although our countries in general have many fewer cars, 40 of the 50 nations in the world with the highest road accident death rates are in Africa. These are grim statistics that we can change if we slow down and... let's talk.
__What measures can we take to help improve the safety of our vehicles, roads, drivers, passengers, pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists?
Later this week is the UN World Day for Remembrance of Road Traffic Victims. Please do your part by sharing this information, especially with young people.
Most of you can probably #Imagine the top reasons for road accidents:
#1. Speeding.
#2. Distracted driving (for example, talking on a mobile phone, texting, eating or drinking...)
#3. Driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, even some prescription ones.
#4. Reckless and impatient driving.
#5. Animals and people crossing the road or walking alongside it.
#6. Ignoring road signs.
#7. Rain and fog.
#8. Running red lights and stop signs.
#9. Driving at night without due care.
#10. Changing lanes and turning unsafely, without indicating.
#11. Tailgating.
#12. Road rage.
#13. Potholes and other road infrastructure problems.
#14. Driver fatigue.
#15. Tire blow outs.
#16. Unsafe vehicles.
#17. Deadly curves.
#18. Street racing.
#19. Car design defects. (Rare problem, but it does happen).
An estimated 80% of car crashes are caused by distracted drivers, with the risk of an accident increasing:
# 3x when you are reading email or browsing the web while driving.
# 6x when texting behind the wheel.
# 9x when reaching for anything other than a phone while driving.
# 12x when making a call behind the wheel.
Sending or reading a text takes your eyes off the road for at least 4.6 seconds. At 88 KPH, that's like driving the length of a football field, blindfolded!
Now there are a few simple things you (and your loved ones) all must do: Wear your seat belts and make sure your children get into this habit, too. If you ride a bike of any kind, wear a helmet. If road accidents do occur, these can literally make the difference between life and death.
To all of you innovators and inventors out there, what else can we do to keep our people safe on the roads? In taxis? On buses? What can we do to make things safer?
By now you all should know this but let's help educate others: Do NOT drink and drive, or text and drive! Every 90 seconds a person is injured in a drunk driving crash...
Just don't do it.
Instead, use a ride hailing company such as Vaya or any other such company, or ask a friend to give you a lift. #YourLifeTurnsOnThis!
Life is full of very tough choices, but this is not one of them.
God bless all of you. Stay safe on and near the roads.
Original post by Strive Masiyiwa. Please follow on Facebook