Water is of the Water Element and is magnetic. This is why it is used in cleaning. It attracts dirt and other materials. Water holds an image to its surface as well. It can bend light that penetrates through it and wave light in its surface ripples.
The image on a lake or body of water’s surface is seen inverted. Many would think this is an optical elusion. Not so! All reflective images are inverted as are those for example on your bathroom mirror.
Taking that reality to the next level, reflections in mirrors and on the surface of any fluid or reflective surface is a door to another dimension. This door can be opened and passed through by those with a clairvoyant eye.
Clairvoyance meaning “Clear Vision” is the refinement and development of our natural intuition. Clairvoyance was the means of communication before the Tower of Babel using thought images or pictures. This faculty requires focus, concentration and practice in its development.
Today, we live in the world of three dimensions, Front and Back, Up and Down, Left and Right.
As we travel in a airplane, we can travel ,,, Front (forward), Left and Right, UP and Down.
In a car we can travel,,, Front (forward) and Backwards (reverse), Left and Right.
In a submarine we can travel,,, Front (forward), Backwards (reverse), Left and Right, UP and Down.
If we were able to travel into a reflection as if it were a doorway we might experience time and space as it really is, the fourth dimension.
All things were made by God. As mankind matures emotionally and spiritually God reveals his genius which includes all advances in technology and all the pursuits of knowledge.
What I have mentioned, namely time and space are in the itinerary of mankind’s future when God wills it to be. Man must fist gain control of his emotions and temper before he is able to experience the pearls of God’s genius. This will happen soon during the Millennium when man again will learn the knowledge of yore. The knowledge that was taught before mankind offended God with the construction of the Tower of Babel. When God skewed our minds confining us to audible communication.