Arroe Collins
Influencer. Movies, books, television and Podcasting. 1.6 million strong. Mobile DJ LA
Sometimes the man behind the curtain has to come out and come clean with how this entire process works. The show The Choice are physical pages daily written. I never sit in the studio and decide what's going to be shared. I go page by page. Whatever's there becomes the seed planted on that particular day. I don't walk away from the bad days, sick days or misguided mistakes. What we are designed to do is learn from the steps. Some are too big while others are often compared to baby steps. When you come back to the daily writing several months and years later the picture of the atmosphere can look a little scary or out of tune but you still take the time to listen to what was handwritten on the page. The reason why I bring this up is because on this podcast I land on one of those moments where my heart didn't know what to do. The page read September 11, 2016. In real time it's August 14, 2019. Why would I want to share a page with so much weight? Because what was written in that moment pretty much paints how it really is on any given day.