Reflecting on Raksha Bandhan – Pursuit of getting protected
S Ainavolu
| Teacher of Management | Certified Ind. Director | Power, Infra, and Education | SDGs Believer | Tradition & Culture Educator |
Raksha means protection or being saved or the talisman that offers or promises the protection. Bandhan is having protective coverage/thread or tying of the same. Raksha Bandhan is the annual day on which the festival is celebrated during which “Raksha” is respected and tied on the hands of brothers. At a macro level such festivals promote the universal brotherhood, and at micro level it is an opportunity of refreshing the bonds of siblings/cousins. On a somber note, it is the occasion for the remembrance of departed siblings/cousins too. I remember my only brother who departed for brighter world while writing this.
Filial and fraternal ties begin early in life and are forever the point. It is a golden opportunity for siblings/cousins to come together and do revive the bonds. If the larger family get-together happens, it is the golden time for the nextgen to connect as well. In these days of “I, me, and myself”, getting embedded in a larger family context and knowing the roots, strengthening the family bonds is the good act. Raksha Bandhan festival offers such an opportunity. After all it is said that “man is a social animal”. We are much beyond the narrow requirements and survival needs, Maslow’s hierarchy points out. Even our “Kosha approach” indicates us the same, first two may be Annamaya and Pranamaya, but beyond that we have Manomaya, Vigyanamaya, and Anandamaya.
Raksha is sought after
Ahara, Nidra, Bhaya are the first three common traits between humans and animals. There are always insecurities attached to each of these. The food may be available or not. Under the “survival of the fittest” norm, the weak need the Raksha. Nidra is the most vulnerable phase, and during the sleep condition, one is unprotected. Hence, there is a need for the Raksha during this phase. When attacked by others, or during the natural calamities too, one needs Raksha else the Bhaya, the fear takes over. During the fear condition, the responses are along two lines of fight or flight. In both the cases one needs Raksha. In the lower life echelons, Raksha is needed for survival, and at higher levels one needs for staying put as well. In the public life situations when so many machinations happen, one needs Raksha even for survival and more so for success.
Raksha and tradition
Tradition has many prayers for seeking Raksha. When people fall from their “earlier place”, the prayer is “Maam Raksha Swadishasada….Rakshamam Twam Rasatale”. In Lalita Sahasranama Stotram, we address Mother Goddess as “Raksha karee”. Rama Raksha Stotram is a famous protective verse in which Raksha is encapsulated. In Ramayana’s Sundara Kanda, when Hanuman was surrounded by fire, Sita prays to lord of fire Agni that Hanuman may please be protected and Raksha offered to him. King Shibi’s word of offering Raksha to the Raksha seeking bird is well known. Raksha is sought and also offered. Either role is sacred. Even after hurting Mother Sita, the Kakasura realizing his folly comes and seeks Raksha from Sri Rama who granted it with small punishment of losing only one eye instead of losing entire life. In the aftermath of Kurukshetra war when Ashwathama sends out Brahmastra, the surviving widow of Abhimanyu, Uttara sought the Raksha from none other than Krishna himself. Sri Krishna protected the child in the womb. The child was Pareekshit. Pareekshit grows up to become the successor king to Yudhistira and rules with all the righteousness. As the “Yuga” changed to Kali, Kalipurusha comes and asks for the Raksha by Pareekshit and he offered with the broader condition that others won’t be disturbed. With the knowledge of getting killed by a snake in seven days, Pareekshit sought Raksha and comes to know that listening to Bhagavata Purana shall free him. We have Bhagavata Pravachanas happening over one week duration, and these are called “Saptahas”. These offer protection on all planes is the experience of many.
Conducting oneself for Raksha
We have seen that all shall require Raksha. In fact Indra was reportedly tied Raksha by Shachi Devi, when he was leaving on a mission to defeat demons. The question that arises is, can we have Raksha naturally and in all conditions? It is said that “Dharmo Rakshati Rakshita”, meaning if we protect Dharma, it protects us. What is the meaning of protecting the dharma? Living our lives within the bounds of righteousness and with right intentions is said to be Dharma. The intrinsic promise is, if we conduct ourselves in such a manner, you stay protected. Raksha is offered. Here, a basic analysis shows that you offer Raksha to others by not violating their rights, and you are protected. Karma pays back in good measure. A general Grihasti (householder) leads a routine and normal life. The question is what are the guidelines for such people? Parting advice can be given in the form of “Sayam Vada, Dharmam Chara”, meaning speak the truth and follow the righteous path. Following the righteous path gives us the Raksha is discussed above. Then how “Satyam Vada” meaning speaking the truth can offer Raksha is the question. Here, the overheads and burdens for the person speaking the untruth are always high. They need to remember what was said earlier, and pitch similar or around the same theme. For the “Satya-vadi”, the burden is less. The narrative for them is always the same, and around the truth. Overheads are less, and the transaction costs shall be less. The society shall be a better place, and the community can collectively lead better lives.
On a “being protected” note
We live in the contemporary world that is making us all seek Raksha for many and different reasons. Surrounding are the basal intents of others and competitive dynamism playing dirty games. What can protect us? It is the path that we travel, that shall decide. The surrendered life with the belief that “doing good shall help us having good in return”. Finally, no wrong done from one’s side offers real Raksha. Right conduct gives us the real Raksha has been the deep belief of the Karma believing Sanatana dharma. If the righteous suffer, then the collective good shall not happen. Giving good karma at a place may not return good return for us. But Karmic principle of good actions begetting good reactions shall be the eternal truth. Returns may fructify as a different place and time, and amidst different context. ?“Charaiveti Charaiveti” is the principle given by Guru Mandali, so we need to keep moving, and keep moving forward. Journey of thousand miles begins with a single step. Before all journeys we recite, “Agratah Prushtadaschaiva Parshvadascha Mahabalau Aakarna Poorna Dhanvanau Rakshayatam Rama Lakshmanau”. Take up your life journey with all the positivity. Trust that we are protected with all the Raksha. Raksha will be there and Bandhan shall happen. Rest shall become history, if you take journey as the destination, and trust the divine Raksha.