Reflecting Over The Years - With Gratitude
Deyo Onamusi
Business Systems Consultant (IIBA-CCA) || Energy, Retail, Agribusiness & Aviation || Advocate for CleanTech Sustainability & Good Governance (SPPG-CPLP) || Founder @ Enertacts (World Levelocity Partner)
Today in history and time makes it 9 years since I first stepped foot into Canada to begin a new chapter in my career & life. And I’m taking the opportunity of this anniversary to reflect and share a few lessons learnt along the way in my career journey, as well as some highlights and milestones I’m thankful for. I hopes this inspires a reader somewhere.
2015 – Patience faculty activated!
Arriving in Ottawa, the first thing that struck me, asides from the very cold weather, was how orderly people were with little or no enforcement required. From the airport to the public service centres, it seemed like everyone had some well-governed internal control mechanism keeping them in check. Coming out here from Lagos, a city known for its hustle and bustle lifestyle, it was immediately apparent to me that I had entered into different world order. And being human, I have since adapted this quality into my overall character (not like I had a choice anyway – Patience is indeed a 'compelling' virtue). My main highlight of 2015 was a reward of an opportunity to travel back home to Nigeria during a semester-break to marry the love of my life, who I was already engaged to before my leaving.
2016 – Resilience faculty activated!
Some major events started happening the moment 2016 begun. Through God’s grace, I had just barely gotten off through my first year of Canadian regimentation (I had owed my defaults, 'crimes' and worries to just coming out of a somewhat-disturbed economy in Nigeria at the time). I had just begun working on a project for my master's degree, (under the supervision of Joan Haysom and my academic program’s director - Tet Yeap) – in an interesting subject from the field of renewable energy and power systems and which I believe is still of relevance to the industry today. I was also dealing with a lack of financial resources towards completing my final semester’s tuition and was in anticipation of spousal support to come once the IRCC had considered our nuptial binding and granted her a visa to join me. I was also getting primed with part-time work hours as I was to enter the post-graduate labour market by Spring. You see folks, resilience is indeed the ability to rise back up quickly from challenges over and over again – however, in my experience, the true value for resilience really is in one’s affinity to juggle multiple things at a time simply because they tend to ensure the frequency of the knock-downs.
(In quick retrospect, I would like to express my gratitude towards the angels at Drake agency office located in downtown Ottawa for the nudge towards finding my first employer who eventually played an instrumental role in helping me grasp the trajectory of my career purpose over the next 6+ years).
Many other major events took place in 2016 to which I am grateful for till this day but my biggest testimony for 2016 was the precious gift of a first child.
Testimonies of PROOF from 2017-2023
Some highlights of my other career and service testimonies I'm thankful about - from 2017 till date - are (in no order of arrangement):
-?????? Finally was able to pay my tuition debts and fulfilled all requirements for graduating from the 加拿大渥太华大学 (2017)
-?????? Started my first full time position in Canada as a Systems Support Associate (2017)
-?????? Successfully registered World Levelocity (Invest Ottawa Ignition C17) Ltd remotely, in Nigeria. (2018)
-?????? Successfully pitched World Levelocity to an audience at Invest Ottawa . (2022)
-?????? Successfully incorporated ENERTACTS - World Levelocity's first subsidiary, as an IT Consulting outfit for software development - operating within Ontario. (2023)
-?????? Successfully co-tested and co-ordinated the implementation of one of Canada’s first AS/RS systems for modern fulfilment DCs. (Designed and implemented by Symbotic ) (2018)
-?????? Luckily got into the business analysis profession and became certified with the IIBA in cybersecurity analysis. (2020/2021)
-?????? Successfully attained dual-citizenship status with Canada and also joined Liberal Party of Canada (Ontario) as a supporter. (2022)
-?????? Bravely leapt out of Giant Tiger, luckily found another Canadian organization to learn from before boldly leaping out again in faith and into the confidence of entrepreneurship. (2022-2023)
-?????? Successfully delivered a technical presentation remotely for the The Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) - New Bussa Chapter. (2021)
-?????? Luckily found the School of Politics Policy and Governance , successfully got into the program and graciously graduated - with many impactful experiences and memories that hopefully will be with me for a very long time.
-?????? And last, but not the least, I finally found the 'Jesus' in me. (smiles).
All of these career highlights have interesting stories worth telling and I hope for the grace and opportunities to share them with audiences that may find them valuable.
I'm also thankful for my social development throughout my career. I found new family, forged new friendships (even in old ones) and formed new network affiliations - all whom have been full of encouragement and support for my work, my acts and my attitudes towards service. If you are reading this, you are most likely one of them and I’m thankful for you.
-?????? I am super grateful for my children (Jeremy & Jasmine) who have contributed divinely to my work-life balance.
-?????? I feel blessed for our 2 cats (Lennor & Sky) – who have helped me to maintain discipline in fulfilling a socio-environmental responsibility.
-?????? I am thankful for opportunities to connect & re-unite with friends and family – old and new; home and abroad.
-?????? I am profoundly grateful for my sisters, cousins, in-laws, close-friends-turned-brethren, and every member of my global support system – all who have always kept me rooted and upright throughout my career till this day.
-?? I am lucky and grateful for kind and understanding neighbours, and as well as my Ottawa community at large.
-?????And I am extremely grateful for an amazing spouse Jibike Olayiwola who has stuck with me very patiently through the craziness of it all.
Also, special thanks to all the government and financial institution big brothers that have held my back throughout the years of my Canadian experience – I am grateful for the grace extended towards me. And to my spiritual career mentors - Parents, Godparents (including In-laws) and pastors – I’m grateful for the prayers and encouragement. And to my academic & professional career mentors – the proxy fathers, supervisors, managers, coaches and teachers who forged great values in me and contended with my attitudes towards work & life in general - I am extremely grateful for your unrelenting resolve to see me succeed.
As the year 2024 commences along on another fulfilling spin around the sun, I look forward to more positive encounters and collaborative opportunities towards creating meaningful impact for the global society and the environment. And with that said, I humbly surrender myself once again to the creator’s overarching will throughout the course of the year ... and hopefully in benefit towards service for humanity & mankind.
Thanks for reading and God bless. Cheers!