Reflecting on Our Attendance at UNGA 2023: A Global Healthcare Agenda in the Post-COVID Era
MEDx eHealthCenter B.V.
Transforming healthcare with cutting-edge technology and expertise | Establishing Trust in Healthcare
A year ago, we had the privilege of attending the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) alongside many organizations from the healthcare sector. It was a unique opportunity to engage with world leaders, health ministers, and key stakeholders, and to witness firsthand the discussions surrounding global health in a post-COVID world.
The tone throughout the assembly was marked by a familiar narrative: developed countries presenting themselves as the saviors of the developing world’s healthcare systems, while developing nations often took the stage to seek financial support for their struggling health infrastructures. The pandemic had undoubtedly exposed the fragility of healthcare systems worldwide, and UNGA 2023 brought this to the forefront as health became a top agenda item on the global stage.
A Global Push Towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC)
One undeniable outcome of the assembly was the realization that health had become a central priority for every nation, regardless of its stage of development. We’ve seen tangible progress since then, with developed nations actively launching and expanding their Universal Health Coverage (UHC) programs, while developing countries have also made strides toward operationalizing their healthcare initiatives. The collective mission is clear: to ensure that all 8 billion people on Earth have access to quality healthcare.
However, achieving this mission by 2030 remains an immense challenge. Current estimates suggest that 800 million people globally still spend at least 10% of their household budgets on healthcare. Moreover, an additional $371 billion per year in health spending will be required to meet the UHC goals by 2030. These numbers are staggering, and as a company, we believe that while progress is inevitable, the goal of achieving full UHC by 2030 is unlikely.
Progress is Possible—but it Requires Collective Effort
Despite the challenges, we remain optimistic that significant progress can and will be made by 2030. However, this will require a concerted effort from all sectors—politicians, policymakers, private companies, civil society, and citizens alike. Healthcare transformation, unlike many other industries, is fundamentally a political decision. Policy drives the healthcare agenda, and it will take strong political will to bring about the changes needed to improve healthcare access for billions of people.
At MEDx eHealthCenter, we have always understood the importance of working from a GovTech perspective, collaborating closely with governments to drive healthcare transformation. At the same time, we are equally committed to empowering the lower tiers of the healthcare supply chain through the innovative use of technology. Our goal is to enhance healthcare delivery at all levels, from the policy desk to the patient bedside, and to continue pushing for solutions that make healthcare more accessible, affordable, and efficient.
A Call to Action
As we reflect on UNGA 2023, the discussions we were part of, and the actions taken since, we recognize that there is still much work to be done. But we also believe that real progress is within reach. The journey toward UHC is not just a financial or technological challenge—it is a moral imperative that requires the collective will and cooperation of all stakeholders.
MEDx eHealthCenter remains committed to playing its part in this journey, driving innovation and leveraging technology to support the global mission of healthcare for all.