Reflecting on my week - Log 01
Tristan Bennett-Ackland
Engagement Partner at Forefront IT & Emerging Interior Designer | Making tech accessible for non-IT folks and designing vibrant spaces through meaningful interactions and relationships that reflect personality.
Hello! Welcome to my new weekly log. Every Saturday, I will detail my work each week and reflect on what I have learned. So please be sure to strap in and join me as we take on 2025.
Getting Started
It's 2025. 'New Year, new me!' Yeah, yeah, it's the same speech you hear every year. As you typically last about a week, I am always more cynical about changing in the new year. However, I sat down and thought deeply about who and where I wanted to be this year (it also helps that it's mid-summer in Australia, so less winter blues). I'm turning 28, finished with school, and ultimately standing at Go, figuring out where I will proceed. Finding what to change could be scary and confusing, so I focused on things I usually criticise myself for.
Things I want to change:
"The week of discipline"
As you probably could tell based on my introductory paragraph, I struggle with discipline. From my ADHD making my brain lock onto other things to my horrid tendency to get paralysis from anxiety, it can make even the easiest of tasks seem daunting. Sitting on the couch during my 'get real' session, I thought of how to make myself accountable and focused. Thankfully, we live in the age where I can talk to my best friend ChatGPT or 'Alex' as I've named him. Alex recommended I look at scheduling timers and reminders. Genius! I used to use that technique at my old job. Why didn't I think of that?
So I did it. Starting from brushing my teeth to doing market research. Nearly any task I deemed necessary enough to think about is now an action item on my phone. Set to go off at various times with a morning, afternoon, night and cleaning routine alongside other essential reminders. Monday morning starts at 5:45 (too early). I was up and doing a skincare routine. Who am I? A new man, apparently.
Now, I'm not going to detail a whole week of my routines because, frankly, I don't think you'd really care, and I don't really care to write it out. Let's focus on the updates.
Staying accountable
Now as much as I'd like to say I was perfect. Let's be honest. As the world-famous hit single by Hannah Montana goes. Nobody's Perfect. I'll list a few things I did not achieve this week.
So, as you can see, it's not a perfect week, but it's a good one. I've heard the phrase. 'Perfect is the enemy of good.' So you know what? I'll take good. End of log 01, see you next week! ????