An Australian nurse wrote a profound book titled "The Five Regrets of the Dying," where she gathered insights from many elderly individuals about their most common regrets as they faced the end of their lives. The majority expressed five shared desires:
- Living for Myself: I wish I had lived a life true to myself rather than one that pleased others.
- Valuing Relationships: I wish I had spent more time with family and friends instead of being consumed by the grind of daily work.
- Expressing Emotions: I wish I had the courage to express my feelings openly. Many kept their emotions hidden to avoid conflicts or to sacrifice for those who didn't deserve it.
- Reconnecting with Old Friends: I wish I had stayed in touch with old friends or rekindled those friendships. Old friends hold a unique place in our hearts, reminding us of joyful moments and cherished childhood memories. Unfortunately, life often pulls us away, leading to lost connections.
- Understanding True Happiness: I wish I had understood earlier what true happiness means. Most of us realize too late that happiness is a mental state, not tied to wealth, status, or fame. It’s a choice that can be made with minimal effort and simple pleasures, yet we cling to conventional ideas of what happiness should be.
These reflections resonate deeply with us, particularly as believers. Our Holy Quran reminds us that after death, our regrets might center around different priorities:
- I wish I had given charity.
- I wish I had worshipped Allah more.
- I wish I had avoided the forbidden.
- I wish I had done more good deeds.
- I wish I could be sent back to the world for just one day to gather good deeds.