Reflecting Christ’s Generosity
For Mary Magdalene, meeting Jesus is more than exciting…it’s life-changing. As one of His devoted disciples, Mary followed Jesus from city to city, countryside to countryside.
During her time with Him, Mary gained firsthand perspective on the joy Jesus and His message brought to people. To ensure His message wasn’t hindered, Mary uses her own finances to fund Jesus’s work.
What does she receive in response??
She sees miracles performed daily. More importantly, she gets unparalleled closeness to her Savior.
When Jesus is arrested and crucified, Mary grieves. She hurts deeply. And while the twelve abandon Him, Mary refuses to leave his side. Her devotion is rewarded when a familiar voice calls to her outside of the tomb.
It is Jesus—alive and well, as He promised. Mary is overwhelmed with joy, and Jesus gives her the greatest task of her life. Jesus entrusts her with the message that changes everything: “He is alive!”
Read more of Mary Magdalene’s story in Luke 8:1–3 and John 20:1–18.?
Rich in Good Deeds
A child of the 1970s, Jane’s upbringing is typical. With divorced parents, she hops from one parent to the other. With one parent, money is plentiful. With the other, it’s a rarity.
Jane marries young and has two children with her husband. Soon, she’s left on her own to raise those children with a meager income. It is her childhood all over again.?
When a friend invites her to a weekend retreat, she jumps at the opportunity. There, she learns about God’s generosity. She also learns that all she has belongs to God.
A few weeks later, the Holy Spirit impresses upon Jane to commit to giving $10,000. The single mother with little income knows this is a serious commitment. She also knows that God is bigger than her fears or her needs.
As Jane gives, God provides for Jane and her sons, day after day. Jane watches in awe. She is so impressed with her generous God that Jane now gives regularly and spontaneously.?
One night at dinner, she hears God’s voice, calling her to kindness. So she tips her waiter $1,000. The waiter responds with authentic surprise, joy, and tears.
She does this for one reason: “I want to be rich in good deeds,” she says, “generous and willing to share, so I can take hold of life that is truly life.”
As Jane and Mary know, this type of life is available only through our Extravagant God.
Taken from Women Doing Well’s Extravagant God, a six-session study on generous women through the ages, published in 2015.