Reflecting on Adult Learning Theories: Transformative and Self-Directed Learning
Ernest Addison
Aspiring HR and L&D Professional Driven to Learn and Contribute | MBA Candidate at the University of Texas at Tyler
On February 7, 2023, we met as a class on Zoom to discuss the different adult learning theories. Today, I will be discussing the transformative learning theory and the self-directed learning theory. Transformative learning theory is defined as "... a shift of consciousness that dramatically and permanently alters our way of being in the world.” (Morrell and O’Connor 2002, p. xviii)." (Baumgartner, n.d.). However, there are many different definitions of self-directed learning. The definition I am choosing is “(1) to enhance the ability of adult learners to be self-directed in their learning, (2) to foster transformational learning as central to self-directed learning, and (3) to promote emancipatory learning and social action as an integral part of self-directed learning” (Merriam and Caffarella 1999, p. 290)." (Baumgartner, n.d.). The piece that I am going to reflect on is how transformative learning is developed as an integral part of self-directed learning.
An example of how transformative learning is developed through self-directed learning is my learning project. My learning project was the DEI training sessions with the University of Houston Center for Diversity and Inclusion. The reason it was self-directed is because it was a learning project that I was doing outside of class. Also, I had begun the process of transformative learning. At that time, I had completed two of the DEI training sessions. The first training session Diversity 101 was about learning about defining diversity and tips for learning about the identities of others when it comes to diversity. The second training session Inclusive Language was about defining what inclusive language is and tips for how you can incorporate inclusive language into your vocabulary.
Reflecting on my experience, I had begun the transformation process when it came to diversity and realized that diversity is not just about physical attributes, but other factors such as mental attributes, expression, soc-economic status, etc. Moreover, I realized that behavior plays a factor in our language being that if we have been saying words that are not inclusive, then we have to work on unlearning to say those words. After making those realizations, my plans for the future were to ask appropriate questions when I need more knowledge about someone's identity and to consciously analyze the phrasing of my sentences to make sure I am using inclusive language.
Baumgartner, L. M. Self-Directed Learning: A Goal, Process, and Personal Attribute. Blackboard. 2003covers (
Baumgartner, L. M. Transformative Learning: Fundamental Concepts. Blackboard. 2003covers (