Reflecting on 2023
The future looks bright at Duke Farms

Reflecting on 2023

Dear colleagues and friends,?

Happy New Year to you and yours!

On behalf of all of us here at Duke Farms and the Doris Duke Foundation, I hope your holidays were full of joy and rest.?

As we reflect on 2023 and look ahead to 2024, I would like to update you on our work at Duke Farms, celebrate what we have accomplished together and share how we envision the future in partnership with each of you.

Each year, Duke Farms welcomes 150,000-200,000 visitors to enjoy nature’s beauty and the cultural resources we steward here and last year was no exception. In 2023, we logged 10,000 bicycle rides, 3,200 volunteer hours, 3,424 student visitors from 73 schools and we filled all 460 community garden plots. We hosted more than 30 convenings on climate action and conservation—from local organizations to national leaders in climate investment.

We are also deeply committed to the local economy and community—in the 10 years between 2014 and 2023, Duke Farms and the Doris Duke Foundation have invested more than $17 million in direct payments and donations to Somerset County businesses, nonprofits and public agencies, with more than $5.5 million of those dollars put to work in Hillsborough Township specifically.

In 2023, we did a lot of thinking about how we can continue excellence in the work you know us for—and where we can invest more to have an even greater impact. We are expressing that expanded ambition in three key ideas, building on the foundation of the last 10 years as we plan for the future:

Restore nature and ecosystem services in fragmented suburban landscapes

Demonstrate nature-positive and equitable climate transition strategies as a model climate-positive campus

Engage leaders with the wonder of nature and the power to spark change

Restore Nature

Scientists tell us we are facing the sixth great extinction of life on earth if we do not quickly find ways to coexist with nature and restore some of what we’ve already lost. Biodiversity has always been a north star for Duke Farms, and we see numerous opportunities to deepen our work in the coming years.

Here are some key initiatives that commenced in 2023:

Floodplain Restoration We are preparing for the restoration of 112 acres of floodplain forest and vernal pools along the Raritan River under a federal Natural Resource Damage consent decree to compensate the public for damages to the environment at the American Cyanamid Superfund site less than 3 miles downstream from Duke Farms. This activity will improve water quality, reduce downstream flooding risk, restore wildlife and nature, add public recreation opportunities and store carbon, benefiting the communities closest to the Superfund site and all the way downstream.

Bald Eagles

The Duke Farms Bald Eagle nest is headed into another season, overcoming challenges such as the loss of the long-term breeding male and nest collapse. The nest's resilience highlights the effectiveness of ongoing conservation efforts at Duke Farms and throughout the Raritan River watershed.

Bird Banding Duke Farms received a master bird banding permit from the U.S. Department of the Interior, which represents years of hard work and trust. This honor equips us to contribute more significantly to the science of bird populations and conservation. This year, we banded birds of 42 different species, 20 percent of the total number of bird species at Duke Farms.

Threatened & Endangered Species

Our nest box program hatched 21 American Kestrels and at least 26 Purple Martins, both species of conservation concern and we continued work with threatened and endangered plant species including Pickering’s morning glory, pine barrens gentian and wild rice.

Demonstrate Climate Solutions

Like others in our community, we are still reeling from the effects of Hurricane Ida in 2021 and facing continued uncertainty due to climate change. We’re working hard to overcome those challenges, and we see a very significant opportunity to help chart a path for a cleaner, more sustainable future. In 2023, we saw meaningful progress with the following initiatives:

Electric Vehicle Charger As many of you know, we launched an electric vehicle fast charging station at Duke Farms in October—the first in New Jersey to be powered by on-site solar panels—with grants from The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and PSE&G. Already, we have logged more than 300 charging sessions (averaging 2.45 sessions per port per day, 10 times the national average!) and delivering 33.1 kilowatt-hours per session, compared to a regional benchmark of 24 kWh.

Solar Expansion We are making big strides toward our goal of 100% self-sufficiency in electricity through solar generation and battery storage at Duke Farms. In addition, we have also launched the Catalyst Initiative to document and share Duke Farms' experience in implementing renewable energy and decarbonization strategies widely and help speed the clean energy transition here in New Jersey and nationwide.

Engage Leaders

In 2023, Duke Farms hosted convenings including a regenerative agriculture event with North Jersey Resource Conservation and Development, the Somerset County Environmental, Social and Governance Workshop, the Access Nature Forum with Pinelands Preservation Alliance (a forum for those with disabilities to unite, have a voice and be heard) and Forum on Climate Investing with global investment firm RockCreek and our Doris Duke Foundation colleagues.

And here’s what we’ve learned.

Local, national and global leaders all report that they have a transformational experience when they gather at Duke Farms. There’s something really important about being in this special place, connected to nature, talking about the future with other leaders. As we head into 2024, we have a roadmap to assess Duke Farms’ potential as a convening point for the kinds of meaningful conversations and gatherings that will help us all build a more sustainable, creative, and equitable future.

Thank you very much for your partnership in 2023.

We invite your ideas, collaboration and engagement in 2024 as we work together to restore, demonstrate and engage.?

All best,?

Margaret Waldock?

Executive Director?

Duke Farms

Frank Brill

Government relations professional. Digital publisher specializing in energy and environment

1 年

Duke Farms is an exciting place, bursting with creative ideas. Can't wait for Spring to visit again.


