Reflecting on 2022
When we take time to reflect, we get a chance to pause. We get to take some time to regroup and think back on the year we just had and process it.?We can recognize what we have learned and how it changed who we are. We can see what worked and what did not work. How strong and brave we have been. What risks we took and what we could have done differently.?
We can untangle our lives and give the situations and challenges we have been through meaning.?
Ways to Reflect On 2022
What did you learn about yourself? I think for most of us we can see how stressful this year was but if you are writing out your reflection then you know you survived and cultivated resiliency.?What other things did you learn about yourself?
What do you want your life to look like one year from now? After reflecting on 2022, you can see the things you do not want to deal with anymore. What didn't work and how can you prevent that from happening in 2023.
Why didn’t your goals from 2022 go as intended? Did confusion and uncertainty take over? Did you get paralyzed by the fear? Do you need help? Do the goals need to be tweaked?
What did you love to do in 2022? What cultivated happiness for you? Did you do those things often? If not, why? How could you change that for 2023??
What habits and beliefs do you have that you need to stop - that are holding you back and keeping you stuck? What unhealthy habits did you do in 2022 that you want to change??
How did you grow and change in 2022? We are always growing and changing, we need to take time to reflect and be self-aware.
Do you have good routines? Do you have a good morning and evening routine? Routine, consistency, and schedules are a must for balance and happiness.?
What am I bored of, that I need to let go off? Social media? Internet/googling? Binging on TV/Netflix? Etc.
What did you find yourself jealous/envious of in 2022? Jealousy and envy are different. Jealousy is fear of losing someone. Envy is noticing the lack of something in your life. Jealousy and Envy are both great teachers. Don't judge yourself for those feelings, observe and learn.
What frustrations/Challenges came up for you in 2022. Did you work through them??
Has your definition of success and/or happiness change for you this year? If it did, write out your new definitions.
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