Reflecting on 2021-City of Moundridge
2021 was a yearlong roller-coaster ride for most people. We rolled into the year facing the ongoing impact of a global pandemic. Then in February Storm Uri unleashed a hard freeze on the entire Midwest from Canada to Mexico. The deep freeze caused damage to utility infrastructure in several states and natural gas prices skyrocketed to heights never seen before, peaking at more than $600 per unit. The Kansas Attorney General’s office, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and other energy agencies continue to investigate.
In April 2021 the City announced the promotions of Police Chief Mike Sparks and Captain Scott Zimmerman.
As we headed into Summer the City completed construction of a new $5 million electrical substation and switched from McPherson BPU to Kansas Municipal Energy Agency and a contract with NextEra Energy for electrical service.
The City also cut the ribbon and opened a new $2.4 million swimming pool over the Summer.
Carpenter Construction started on the major remodeling project at 411 N. Christian where the new Moundridge Public Library will be opening in 2022.
In June, we had a scare when Police Chief Sparks pickup was rear ended by a box truck south of Moundridge where he was getting in position to help direct traffic near a field fire. Unfortunately, the wind changed direction, blowing smoke over the roadway, making it very difficult for the truck driver to see Chief Sparks. The police vehicle was totaled in the accident and Sparks received minor injuries.
In September, Utility Superintendent Terry Jantzen retired after serving 39 years with the City. Soon afterwards, Jeff Flickinger also retired with 24 years of service to the City. Jeremy Johnson was promoted to Utility Superintendent and Rhett Neufeld stepped up to take charge of the City’s natural gas system.
The Utility Department also added several new staff including Seth Morgan, Cory Howard and Tay Scarlett.
Moundridge EMS also added Jana Bradley to their full-time roster in the Fall of 2021.
In November the City was able to plug several old water wells. A step that was required before the City could move forward with plans to drill two new wells in the Spring 2022.
On December 3rd, Jeremy Johnson and Library Director Betsy Davis graduated from the University of Kansas Certified Public Manager Program, a nationally accredited program for training public leaders.?
City Office Manager and Assistant City Clerk, Sheri Parker earned the designation of Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC) which was awarded by the International Institute of Municipal Clerks Inc.
December 10th, Officer Mike Adams graduated from the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center where he served as his class President.
Before we could end, 2021 there was one more memorable Kansas weather event on December 15th when hurricane force winds knocked out power to several areas of town. A semi was blown over on K-260 near MJ’s Truck Repair and a tree limb fell on a car that was driving near Wheat Ridge Park on Kutnik.
The storm also knocked down a utility pole at the office taking out our data communication for the City water tower and water wells. Our utility crews were able to restore power within about 60 minutes and the utility pole and communications antenna were repaired and replaced by 8:00 PM.
Through all the ups and downs of 2021we are proud of the achievements of our staff and the service they provide our community. We look forward to many great things ahead in 2022.