Reflect by Strength and Death
Reflect by Strength
I have played the role of mentor/coach for some folks. I use "Reflect by Strength" approach to make them realize their strengths to streamline their path forward. I ask them to list 25 closely connected versatile people in their life, reach out to them and ask them to write or record audio/video about "What they think is good about him or her by quoting examples, stories, incidents and etc?" and send it across. Language should not be a barrier here. This is not an interview style. , It is not an objective question. It is like they are telling stories emotionally about the person.
I ask the person to do the same for self. When writing for self, the person should not listen/read others. I have seen over 150 pages for a person when I mentored him. If the person is ok, we read it together to interpret or the person reads it self. In the end, he summarizes everything into a single page showing patterns of good qualities/strengths in him. This is a time-consuming exercise. But it worked for a positive reflection. I have seen people who were stuck before discovered and altered their career path.
Reflect by Death
Death is a fantastic recycling tool that helps to make life fantastic. I have watched the behaviour of some of my relatives when they are nearing death or on death bed. They were fantastic. They didn't have an ego. They seek apologies for their bad actions. They forget animosities and conflicts. They bless positively. They give up material thinking.
It would have been a fantastic living if such realization happens daily. The great Ramana Maharishi pretended death when he was a boy and he became Ramana Maharishi. The imagination of death, What if I die today, How do people around me feel, speak if I die? I think these questions asked daily at least prevent me to stop doing miserable things.
Death is a fantastic tool for a fantastic living.
Senior Data Scientist at Oracle | M.Tech in CSE from IIT Bombay
1 年Letting go of things when person knows death is near, doesn't have any value because from inside he knows that everything is going to taken away from whether s/he wants it or not. It's just like someone who doesn't have/had money and says I don't care about money, It's white lie which is extremely dangerous to identify and get away.