Reflect and Prepare for Success in 2022!

Reflect and Prepare for Success in 2022!

Are you ready for 2022?

Can you believe that we are already up on 2022? It is here. It is about to break through and if you're ready or not, it's coming.

Let's talk about your accomplishments this year. Yes, those successes that you may be brushing off and minimal progress. What I find a lot of entrepreneurs doing is jumping from one thing to the next without really celebrating their successes along the way. I also see many people focusing only on the things that aren't working or didn't go as planned.

One of the assignments I give my clients to include in their year-end close-out process is to reflect on their accomplishments. I instruct them to ask themselves two simple questions;

  1. What did I accomplish this year?
  2. How did I do it?

Taking note of your accomplishments and how you did them helps you to prepare the more success. And I am a firm believer that what we focus on grows - so focusing on our accomplishments leads to greater accomplishments.

I have a Success Journal that I use to keep track of my accomplishments throughout the year. I have practiced this for the last 5 years and I am absolutely amazed at how much growth I've experienced. I challenge you to try this on for size and see if it's something you can adopt. I think you will amaze yourself too.

After reflecting on your accomplishments the next step is planning for success.

Sometimes it seems as though success just falls into the laps of some entrepreneurs. Well, the truth is..."that's not how it works". Remember that commercial? LOL

Success requires strategic planning. If you don't have a plan for where you're headed you will end up anywhere. Kind of like hopping in your car, setting the GPS destination to New York but no specific address in New York. Yes, you will get to New York but where in New York?

A few questions to ask yourself as you create your plan for success in 2022; How do I want my business to look one year from now? How much money do I want to earn in 2022? How many clients do I want to serve in 2022? How many hours, days, and weeks do I want to work in 2022?

Of course, your plan needs to be more specific with measurable milestones. I know planning is not everyone's jam but I also know that it is a necessity to succeed at anything.

This month I challenge you to schedule the last week of the month for planning. Spend that time creating a solid plan for your success in 2022.

If you need help creating your plan for success in 2022, I can help you. Schedule some time for us to talk and let's get your plan created now so you can implement it right away. January 2022 is just around the corner.

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