Reflect Forward

Reflect Forward

The wake doesn't drive the boat.

After being in a traumatic accident in January and losing my love and life partner before my very eyes within moments, my life has completely changed. There I was, the inspirational speaker, left without a voice- I had nothing to say. Silence drizzled upon me like rain- then the entire world stopped, collided and quarantined and I sat quietly inside my home of Heaven on Eleven, soon to be a new book in August, and I took in the spirituality of what was going on within that very silence.

My entire life’s work is based on communication, kindness, vulnerability and inner strength. I visit corporate offices to teach teams about making a difference in who they are rather than worrying about petty arguments or fights with coworkers or bratty clients. I write books in the self-help category to inspire and motivate men and women to take hold of their habits to change in real time to see the magnificent difference that can make to their life. I coach business leaders through their journey of seeing themselves in a place of confidence and contentment and I am a marketing expert that drives brands forward. My talks inspire thousands of pages of notes and I continue on.

I saw my life dragging backwards this past January…

But do you wanna know what I did?

I took that silent time and I used it as my force for change. (Linda Wellbrock). I used my silence as healing. I used every breath as gratitude because I had the chance to keep breathing. I used every spiritual sign from my love as a moment to know that everything was going to be ok.

Soon thereafter, I finished a book I had been writing and within 7 months, I’ll have written and published 3 books from the time of the accident.

Reflect Forward Mastery of Mindset by Elizabeth Barry is born.

If you’re hurt or if you’re an allower or someone who projects. Pause.

If you’re anxious of other people or what they think of you, take a breath.

If you’re feeling guilt, take ten thousand steps back and focus on self love.

If you’re a worrier, be like the trees and surrender to your very gift of life on this very day and realize the beauty of that simple idea.

If you are a blamer, a person who easily makes yourself a victim, get out or your head and step into your heart.

If you practice self sabotage with weight or relevance in life, finding love or a better job, make this a time of pure indulgence and focus for the best parts of yourself.

If you walk on eggshells around others too scared to speak your truth, make your spirit known for you days are unknown on this earth. Don’t die with your music inside of you.

These are just some of the lessons in the books that I’ve written, the coaching practice and the talks that I provide and the valuable lesson that I learned to stop worrying about my accident and start lighting the candle towards my strength. This is the path forward. This is the reflective light that guides us to our truth and our greatest knowing for the days we have left on this planet.

Any wrongness in our souls, any suffering we do on purpose, any hurtful things we do to other people out of petty vengeance is a sign that your character has not developed yet. You may be in your 60’s and still, you’re the kid in the playground who was the jerk bully. Wake up. People can smell you out now. Adults must take moral ability to act responsibly and accountably for who they are and if they are not acting in the light and only in the dark, they are reflecting their own self-neglect and lack of self-respect.

Stop being an a**hole and start functioning within self-actualization. That means taking responsibility for who you are, for your actions, your words and your legacies on this earth.

I want everyone to know that it is certainly not easy to get up after a tragedy but I have hundreds of people telling me how strong I am for what I’ve seen and been through including a nod from my therapist saying she was so proud of me way back when... and even today.

This is the power of the work that I have been accomplishing my entire life. It took me years to get here but look at how quickly it manifested love after a tragedy. I get up. I believe in myself and I rise. No one can take me down. A 94,000 lb boat did not. I am the risen. I am the strong.

You are the strong too. This is a reflective forward practice that I am teaching everyone on my path and I am excited to be able to do so. If you don’t have my books yet, order them this weekend.

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If you’re interested in building a strong foundation in your love relationship, my next two books arrive in August of 2020.

Do yourself the best favor and don’t live in the past. As Wayne Dyer, says, The wake doesn’t drive the boat… and I’m certainly at the bow with my heart in the wind going forward.

To learn more about my Reflect Forward Mindset Practice, click here and let's work together.

Learning how to speak and act in new ways as an adult can be aspirational, yet challenging. Elizabeth Barry is an inspirational speaker, business coach and author that helps career driven professionals develop a kinder demeanor, especially when faced with stress. Her methodologies are practical and her zest for life is contagious. Gain self belief and become an influence to everyone around you, including yourself. The courage that lives behind your fear is the bravery you never knew you had- until it arrives. Challenge habits, create boundaries, and nurture relationships as you learn to surrender to what is… and become who you wish to be.


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