Reflect and Celebrate
When I meet anyone new to being in business I share one piece of advice that I find hugely beneficial; find time to reflect and celebrate your achievements. Sounds simple and obvious but the reality is, too few of us actually do it. Is that because we don’t value what we have achieved, we lack the time or simply feel too busy to make the effort? Whatever the reason, I have learned from experience that it is beneficial to everyone involved, not least of all those who have helped you along the way. And so, in the spirit of reflection and celebration, I look back over 2018 and send thanks to my co-workers at AsOne & the team at Zoo Communications and most importantly my very supportive and exceptionally talented husband.
2018, An Outstanding Year For The AsOne Team.
We saw the close of our first year demonstrating our mastery in digital to our new parent company Zoo Communications. Having secured a successful collaborative working relationship with the London team, we now enjoy the combined skills across the group covering the full spectrum of creative and digital services. It has proved hugely beneficial to hold specialist industry knowledge and skill sets to facilitate working across multiple sectors. We have enjoyed working with some of the most prestigious brands in hospitality, established leaders in the legal and financial services sector and some of the largest names in precision manufacturing and engineering.
We have done so much as a team to demonstrate our commitment to supporting each other, embracing events to support local charities and pushing the limits of our comfort zone in our summer activity (which actually had the weather of a Siberian winter), where a few of us overcome our fears and stepped up to the challenge of The Via Ferrata.
All that before we blow our own trumpet in announcing our win at the Pride Of Tameside Business Awards for the third time, taking the Technology Business of the Year 2018 Award for our exceptional work in digital technology, thanks to the great work, dedication and commitment of the AsOne team, Kudos.
They say you are stronger together, what an understatement that is; combining the immense talent of the Groups teams has proved a success in so many ways and so I congratulate everyone involved and send a huge thank you for all the hard work.
I hope after reading my post you can take a little something away from it and stop for a few minutes to assess your successes and even those achievements that perhaps came out of a failed attempt; more often than not there is still something in there to celebrate, if only to learn a lesson of how to do better next time around.
Already well into 2019 I have proved to myself how quickly time can pass without stopping to reflect on what we have achieved. Here’s to another great year!