Referrals For You, Referrals for Me
Mikey Weil
has just started his new role as Senior Strategic Sourcer, Talent Acquisition at BCH!
These days, it’s all about referrals. in fact, they are the highest percentage of hires for companies. There are companies out there that have the sole purpose of helping companies with referral strategies. And these companies are onto something. If your company doesn’t have any sort of internal or external referral fee in place, then you need to meet with your HR and Talent department right after you finish this article. But this article isn’t just about that, it’s about how to always keep referrals at the front of your mind.
InMails, Emails, and Outreach, Oh My!
You reach out to someone via LinkedIn, email, text and they respond saying they are happy where they are or they don’t want to relocate, so you respond with a thank you and tell them to enjoy the rest of their week. That’s typical. But what you should also add to that response is something along the lines of, “And if you know anyone who might be a fit, feel free to give them my information.” A prospect isn’t going to really be thinking about their friends, family, colleagues, people in their network when you reach out to them. But if you at least light the candle for them, this will ignite something in them and then they remember, “Oh, yeah. I actually have a previous colleague who was just laid off and this would be a great opportunity for them.” I would recommend not asking about referrals in your initial outreach. Prospects want to feel like you are reaching out to them for the role and nobody else. It loses its touch when you add something like, “And if you’re not interested who do you know?”
Internal Referrals
By now, most companies have some sort of internal referral program. When a new role opens, a company might just wait for some internals to apply for a week or so before the role goes to externals. Companies encourage their employees to refer people they know to vacant roles. A Marketing Supervisor role opens up, so you ask the Marketing Assistant and Marketing Manager who they might know for the role. But this doesn’t always do the trick. Referral fees do. People love incentives. And this doesn’t always mean getting your neighbor to come work at your company. If you offer a little extra money to your employees to help fill a job, you will receive more referrals than ever before. People will really start digging into their network, as a bonus check could help them out with some bills or maybe pay off a credit card.
External Referrals
External referrals can be a great way to get hires. And if you have an external referral fee, you will get even more people hired this way. You can post on your LinkedIn and social about it or mention it when a prospect tells you they aren’t interested in joining your company at the time. They way I put this: “Do you want to make $500 just for mentioning someone’s name?” Say you reach out to someone and they aren’t interested. You tell them, “If you know of anyone, feel free to give them my contact information. Oh, and if someone you refer is hired here, we’ll send you a check.” Why wouldn’t the person want to tap into their network? That’s a pretty strong incentive right there. This can be tricky, legally, but it can be worth it getting one of these going.
Take a look at the full article on SourceCon to learn more about spousal referrals, finding referrals on a resume, and networking with other sourcers: Referrals For You, Referrals for Me – SourceCon