Marcin Worecki - explanation of the InnerWeb?


What is InnerWeb??

           This is a comprehensive service in Industry 4.0 regarding the Internet of Things (iiot) consisting in the installation of a completely independent beacon system (iBeacon) throughout the entire industrial plant together with dedicated software.

InnerWeb beacon network

           The iBeacon operates in BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) technology, and is battery powered and sends signals for several years at InnerWeb? settings. Thanks to this system requires care and periodic reviews.

InnerWeb beacon

           The dimensions of the InnerWeb? beacon are: 72x45x26 mm, in the form of waterproof housing, which protects the battery socket and electronics from the conditions found in industrial plants.

           The beacon is placed directly in workplace i.e. on each machine, in utility and social rooms. Mounted with a Hexagon patent screw.

InnerWeb beacon with qr code

           The QR code describes the signal that the beacon sends. Thanks to this, in case of damage to the beacon, lack of battery or being in a location in an industrial hall where there is a strong microwave field, interfering with the operation of the device, the InnerWeb? network will cintinue to work. The mobile aplication launches the code scanner when it does not detect a strong signal.

           InnerWeb? users are two main groups. The first are managers, coordinators and foremen on production lines who use the system, among others, for approval, monitoring and source of knowledge. The second group consist of employees of external companies and internal maintenance.

Managers and external companies

           InnerWeb? is progres in the field of work organization between an industrial plant and external companies that work on it.

InnerWeb spent 12,6 times less time then old methods

InnerWeb? replaces the current system of paper work permits by e-WorkPermits for work and particulary hazardous work.

The whole system is build of a beacon network, serwer and software.

What does InnerWeb? do?

1.     Opening e-WorkPermits for works and particularly dangerous works (including works with the use of fire)

o  Full archiving of all works + insight into the history,

o  A list of ongoing works at Your plant from a smartphone anywhere in the world, at any time,

All works in Your plant in Your pocket.

o  Verifying the validity of employee rights already at the account registration level and informing about their expiry,

o  Verification of the total working time of employees, in a given workplace, for a given order with the assumptions included in the offer,

Easy to get more details

o  Control of the presence of the person verifying the place of work when issuing the permit and the presence of employees during work,

                                   (this functionality is associated with the nest use of InnerWeb?)

2.     Pre-Fire protection throughout the entire industrial plant:

o  Reduction of one of the most common causes of fires at industraial plants due to a human error:

§ Carelessness af adults when working with fire:

·        Incorrectly prepared workplace for work with fire,

·        Incorrectly selected fire work equipment,

·        Deleyed fire arose a few to several minutes after work with fire, in the absence of persons performing the work,

·        Lack of proper supervision over work with fire,

Fire risk reduction

o  InnerWeb? monitors the workplace which is particularly dangerous with the use of fire or for work in cavities and triggers an alarm in the form:

§ Push notofication to employees on the smartphone,

§ Email notification to employees,

§ Launching a wireless alarm siren on a given production line where works are carried out,

InnerWeb Alarm

When all employees leave the work area using fire.

3.     Geolocation of people and things inside and industrial plant without using GPS:

o  Determining the distance from the place of work in OFFLINE mode,

o  Determining coordinates in the local plant map in OFFLINE mode,

o  Recording the employee’s traffic history in ONLINE mode.

Managers, coordinator and foreman

How long does InnerWeb? installation take?

InnerWeb installation timetable

·        1 day is a visit to Your plant – verification of the size, offer,

·        6 weeks is the approximate time we need to prepare for installation,

·        21 days we need to install InnerWeb? throughout the entire plant, enter users, set parameters and conduct a series of employee training.

How much does InnerWeb? costs?

WIP in Poland location

Operating in the EU, for a plant with several hundred machines that determines the size of a beacon network of about 1000 units and for the numer of users of about 100 people, the cost of installation and maintenance will be:

InnerWeb example installation costs.

Details on the exact installation and maintenance costs can be found in the offer.

Maintenance costs are related to the size of the network, the numer of users and the level of SLA, which determines the speed of intervention in the event of errors and failure of the InnerWeb? system.

What is the best target customer for InnerWeb??

·        An industrial plant with foreign capital (Corporation) in the EU which:

o  employs a minimum of several hundered employees,

o  operates in the automotive industry,

o  outsources a lot of work to local external companies,

o  has a separate budget for occupational safety

o  in an industrial plant with increased risk undertaking covered by the Seveso III Directive

Potential customers:

·        EATON Automotive Systems

·        FCA

·        TI Automotive

·        VALEO

·        Nexteer Automotive

·        TENNECO

·        Magnetti Marelli

·        ZF Group (previously TRW)

·        GE

·        GKN Driveline


·        Nittan

What makes InnerWeb? diffrent?

InnerWeb - World 1st pre-fire ibeacon network system

This is the wold’s first pre-fire system based on presence control using the iBeacon network. Patent aplications to EPO was sumbitted on 13/05/2019 with priority claim.

On the patenting proces of the invention our aplication to PARP (local center for granting EU funds) for 50% funding of all costs incurred in this proces has been approved (for a total amount of approx. EUR 22 thousand – PCT procedure)

InnerWeb? was designed by an engineer-designer who spent over 10 years working at industrial plants in Poland and abroad relocating and installing entire production lines in the Automotive industry. Thanks to this, he is perfectly aware of the problems, needs and trends occuring in this industry.

InnerWeb?, compared to other IT systems costs a fraction of the price proposed by IT companies, and the implementation time of several months is reduced to 3 weeks. These are the advantages of system versatility and progress.


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