Reference/ Bruce Jackson’s Get Your Ass in the Water and Swim Like Me

Reference/ Bruce Jackson’s Get Your Ass in the Water and Swim Like Me


It was back in the time of seventeen hundred and sixty two,

I had a fucked-up times and I didn’t know what to do. 

My man was leaving, he was putting me out in the cold. 

I said, ‘Why you leaving me, baby?’ He said, ‘Our love has grown cold.’ 

So he kept packing the bags, so I said, ‘Fuck it,’ you know. 

So I waded through water and I waded through mud

and I came to this town called Blow the Whistle Hard. 

And I asked the bartender for something to eat,

he give me a dirty glass a water and tough-assed piece a meat. 

I said, ‘Bartender, bartender, don’t you know who I am?’

He said, ‘ Frankly, my lady, I don’t give a goddam.’ 

I said, ‘My name is Charlotte.’ He said,’Oh, yes, I heard about you up this way,

but I don’t feed you hungry mother fuckers each and every day.’ 

Then we went upstairs,

we fucked on the table and all over the floor. 


It was back in the time of seventeen hundred and sixty two, 

I killed a man with a fruit knife,

and run to the town named Blow the Whistle Hard. 

I walked around each streets till I met a woman who asked,

‘ Will you be my girl ?’ 

‘ What do you want me to do?’ I puzzled. 

‘ As easy as being a nice piece of cheese, being eaten by the rats.’

‘ I love cheese, but I am not fond of rats.’ I answered. 

In anyhow, I followed her to a house.

By the time you could hear the drop of a pin,

that bad motherfucker Billy Lions had just walked in.

He sticked a poster next to the front desk,

‘ Who can this man’s murderer be?’

One motherfucker said, ‘You better speak soft, this is the house under Charlotte’s name.’


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