Reference Architecture for Liberation from Material world
Radhika Gopinatha dasa
Professor of Vedic Theology and Religious Studies: Present society needs a new paradigm of devotion to God.
Al IT folks know that a reference architecture greatly speeds up selection of various components that make your systems solution. In addition there are frameworks like Zachman frameworks that methodically tell you based on your company's IT maturity. However when it comes to Theology or study of God, people do not want to follow any framework How come? When you want a successful launch you use methodologies and frameworks, when you want to converse with the all powerful God who can liberate you from material world and the never ending cycle of repeated births and deaths, you don't need a structure? However most people think this God activities are a side hustle and main focus is on earning money to buy that new Tesla.
So this prompted me to develop that Reference architecture to perform heart surgery so that our heart can melt and be ready to receive the Lord. A stone hearted heart cannot recevei God's mercy.
Now to develop all these qualities seems to be a tall order. So Rupa Goswami, a Vaishnava saint developed a methodology roughly 510 years ago. Here is the "journey" of the soul leading up to a melted heart.
Oh But there are obstacles...and here are the tools to overcome those obstacles.
Four Kinds of Blasphemy to a Vaishnava
1. To find fault with a Vaishnava for his apparent low birth.
2. To blaspheme him for his previous faults.
3. To blaspheme him for his accidental fault.
4. To blaspheme him for the faults that are almost rectified.
(from Harinama Cintamani)
What to Do If One Commits Vaishnava Aparadha:
If by chance one commits Vaishnava aparadha then he must be forgiveness from the Vaishnava very earnestly holding his feet. A Vaishnava is very merciful so he will immediately embrace him and forgive him for all his offenses.
(from Harinama Cintamani)
From Hari Bhakti Vilasa, an esoteric text we learn that:
1. When one blasphemes a Vaishnava he loses his religiosity, wealth, fame and children. (10.310)
2. If one beats a Vaishnava, blasphemes a Vaishnava, shows disrespect to a Vaishnava, gets angry upon a Vaishnava or does not express joy in seeing a Vaishnava, he goes to hell. (10.310)
In Bhakti-sandarbha (anu. 154-159), Sri Jiva Goswami pada describes five prominent effects of offensively chanting Sri Krishna’s transcendental names i.e. Hare Krishna maha-mantra. The five effects are as follows: crookedness; faithlessness; absorption in mundane objects that erode one’s faith in Krishna; slackness in devotional service; and pride.
?Most prominent hindrance to bhakti -> anarthas arising from aparādha
?anarthas arising from the practice of bhakti (bhakty-uttha-anarthas),
?desires for material gain (lābha)
?worship (pūjā)
?recognition (prati??hā)
?If one becomes lax in bhajana, one’s anarthas will intensify, so much so that the desire to perform bhajana will disappear altogether
Scriptural quotes on offenses
ātmārāmā? ca munayo / nirgranthā apy urukrame kurvanty ahaitukī? bhaktim / ittham-bhūta-gu?o hari? ?rīmad-Bhāgavatam (1.7.10)
Even munis who were deeply absorbed in contemplating brahman and immersed in the delight of realizing brahma, although already liberated from anger and false ego, performed causeless devotional service to Bhagavān. This is because Bhagavān’s qualities are so full of mādhurya (an indescribable charm) that they attract everyone to Him.
Phalena phala-kāra?am anumīyate – we can infer the cause by the result alone
Bhagavān has also said, “The great ailment of poverty is a symptom of My special mercy.” Hence, for the devotee’s auspiciousness, Bhagavān purposefully gives him sorrow, a humbling situation and so on
yasyāham anug?h?āmi / hari?ye tad-dhana? ?anai? tato ’dhana? tyajanty asya / svajanā du?kha-du?khitam
?rīmad-Bhāgavatam (10.88.8)
I gradually take away all the wealth of the person I favour. Experiencing hardship upon hardship, My impoverished devotee is abandoned by his kith and kin.
That my dear souls is devotional architecture; in summary:
- Follow the step by step process of devotion:
- Melt the heart
- Avoid Offenses
- Become dear to the Lord
- Get liberated
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