

Using revived toolkit

Redux Toolkit saves the United States of America from a large amount of boilerplate that you just typically go with revived, creating it easier to adopt and implement revived in our app. It comes preloaded with all the tools that we have a tendency to sometimes like for building a revived app. to boot, we are able to additionally modify the given configurations to suit our wants.

Main variations

There is a three half tutorial within the revived Toolkit docs to assist you remodel your boilerplate code into a sleek one. however I actually have listed the foremost variations below with code comparison:


@reduxjs/toolkit comes preloaded with the revived dependencies further as some essential middlewares.

yarn add @reduxjs/toolkit


yarn add redux?

yarn add react-redux?

yarn add redux-immutable-state-invariant?

yarn add redux-thunk?

yarn add redux-devtools-extension

Creating the shop

In the case of the revived Toolkit, configureStore calls combineReducers internally to form the rootReducer, so all you have got Associate in Nursing do} is pass an object and not worry regarding making it manually. It conjointly configures many essential middlewares internally to assist you correct and write clean and error-free code. These configurations are absolutely customisable, do you have to want it. Check the official docs for a lot of information.

Creating reducers and correct actions (aka, slices)

Redux Toolkit introduces a replacement thought known as slices, that is actually a consolidated object containing the reducer and every one the synchronous actions. Not a lot of definitions of actions and action varieties. to boot, the state is changeable currently courtesy of the enclosed middlewares.

Creating async actions (aka, thunks)

Redux Toolkit conjointly comes with the createAsyncThunk perform. It provides the North American nation three inexplicit correct actions for each sound to be processed in our reducer, namely .pending, .fulfilled and .rejected. Thus, you do not got to manually outline actions for these three states.


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