Redundant tech and no budget? No problem!
Jacques B.
I empower you to succeed through data-driven coaching for personal development, career advancement, team optimisation, and business excellence.
In the past 12 years we've had too many times had to hear: "No, your solution is too expensive." or "No, there's no budget now" just to call on the client again and they've opted to use the cheapest solution that'll basically do what they would like to get done. Inadequate solutions that frustrate clients as they keep breaking down or loose settings etc.
This always results in unhappy clients as they feel let down by the AV company they trusted to get it right, not understanding that the right tech for the job isn't cheap and that there's switching/ routing and scaling involved that has to happen quickly and seamlessly. The company and AV consultant gets blamed due to budget constraints.
We decided to help our clients to get the tech they needed at an affordable price (monthly instalments) so that they don't struggle with cashflow immediately. The other very interesting part is that our suppliers support us in this and now we can offer 3-year warranties on the equipment. As it is Off Balance Sheet finance (Asset Finance) there are tax deductions applicable and it's never on your balance sheet leaving room to grow where it's really needed.
Allow us to help you get the technical stuff sorted so that your presentations are beautiful and get the results you want or need because the tech just works seamlessly and are supported by knowledgeable competent staff. Call us on 0861(INSTALL)467825 or [email protected]