Is Reducing Prices a good Strategy ?

Is Reducing Prices a good Strategy ?

Reducing prices is a simple way of getting more business right ? Many people , especially those who are making an entry to a new market , may think that getting more volume through reduced prices may solve the problems of cash flow and it will eventually justify the business profits through economies of scale. Meaning , the more you sell , the more you can buy from your supplier at a reduced cost, the bigger you get , better you can utilise your assets. There are some truth in it , but is it a good strategy to start with ?

I was talking to a business man in Iran who was trying to enter the GCC ( Gulf corporation council ) market . The only strategy he was trying to use is to have a lower price to the customer. There is nothing wrong in it , reducing prices definitely gets more attention , but what about the quality of the products ? Are you making sufficient profits so that you can invest in producing high quality products ? if not , are you sure that the people who are buying now from you will not switch for a better quality for the same price or even a slightly higher prices ?

The point is , if reducing profits are to be a sustainable strategy , it should guarantee you a long lasting business opportunity with whoever you are doing business. If you are under constant pressure of reducing the prices , and if you are not operating efficiently , there is no doubt that you will vanish soon from the market !         

What is really happening ?

If you observe closely , many businesses who are under pressure of price reduction are those who are either a startup , or someone who is not become a brand . This includes new players in the market and also those who have survived for a long time due to less competition.

With increasing material and manpower costs , most of these businesses are either forced to move to a different market or exit from this segment of their business completely in the long run. To compensate this , they focus more on goods that are currently profitable and try to achieve the economies of scale by achieving greater volumes in those segments.

Sometimes this can also force them to move to cheaper and low quality products to survive under low price market which is a boomerang that will hit in their faces pretty soon.

Also , reducing prices and getting in to a price war with your competition spoils the entire market and destroys both you and your competitors . It will also leave both of you drained and suffocated. This is a pressing issue that many businesses face in current competitive market.

In fact , Reducing prices are only a problem when there is little or no profits. Many businesses who offers steep discounts in the beginning ends up facing the same problems that was once created by them in the market when they want to increase the prices to improve the profits. This creates a spiral affect on both cashflow and profitability. Here is a flow diagram for more understanding

In order to avoid such events and make businesses more stable , many business associations in some markets have come together and have tried establishing some norms and rules to make product pricing more uniform , but it has not been completely successful due to various practical hurdles such as product varieties , customer segments and quality differences.

What can be done ?

Price reduction is sometimes unavoidable , let us face that reality. It is always the market that decides the price. Even though , for years the management gurus have advised to focus on quality and productivity to reduce the costs so that you can earn a decent profit in a competitive market, many businesses have not been able to become so efficient by adopting quality as a strategy.

The reason may be because quality is a relative term and it can vary widely according to the perception , experience and exposure of the customers in a certain market.

Another reason is when customers do not experience a higher quality they tend to settle with the lower cost moderate quality options. This can mean that even if your products are of higher quality , you may be forced to reduce prices to get an entry in the existing market , especially if it is a market controlled by powerful distribution entities like supermarkets or super stockists.

In such cases , Quality can be a long game than expected. It may need more investments and slow organic growth even by offering lower prices for a very long time and not many organisation has the financial back ups for that. This calls for some strong commitments and decisions to nurture certain product segments in the expense of other profitable segments. It can be still a winning game if carefully executed. Here is a small illustration on one way of doing it.

It is important to note that premium products are only those products which are currently in demand and can be sold for higher prices. Like any other products , this can vary in future due to competition. The idea here is to develop an organisation which can produce both premium brands and normal brands so that the price advantage of one can be used to develop a long lasting sustainable other segments where there are heavy competition by focusing on long term quality and cost reduction strategies through improving productivity !

That's it for today , Hope you have enjoyed it . Also, please feel free to comment or suggest anything that could be worth discussing or writing in the future, Thank You !

Lonnie Wilson

Principal Consultant, Owner of Quality Consultants

8 个月

Nice article Munavver. Market segmentation is tricky business but often a good strategy.

Andrew Jallah Jr

Transformation Catalyst reducing your organization's lead-time to realizing its improved future state.

8 个月

Very relevant and timely article!

Adhil Shareef

MBA in Marketing | Business Analytics Specialist | Experienced marketing professional

8 个月

Love this


