Reducing Medical Errors with AI
Jay Mervis
Sales Leader | Big Data | Consulting | Cybersecurity Executive | Moderator | Podcaster | Strategist
Welcome to the Hammerdown Roadshow Newsletter Season II | Episode I where we put the Pedal to the Metal and talk Trends, Tech, and Tunes in print!
Hope everyone is enjoying some amazing weather with the start of summer. In my role here at Redox, I am responsible for our relationship with Google and had the opportunity to meet at their facility in Playa Vista. Absolutely blown away at the facility, their product capabilities within the space, and the engagement from their leadership with our leadership team and what the potential is within the space. When I was at CDW in the Healthcare Pilot circa 2003-2005 we'd have these ideation sessions chaired by Lanette Broderick, MBA and discuss what customers were challenged with which started quantifying the market opportunity and if the pilot could launch into a business unit. Remember: this is all prior to all of the technology advances we take for granted today and before Obamacare which brought the funding source to this digitization effort and get us out of the pen and paper and records rooms and into the first level of maturity of the EMR within a health system. There were 2 major challenges that kept coming up in those sessions that were interconnected and not mutually exclusive: Infection Control and Reducing Medical Errors....
Which leads me to the Trend of Reducing Medical Errors with AI. So looking back the original thought process from the provider space was centered around if we put this into an EMR and Digital Format, there will be a record that isn't handwritten like chicken scratch and will reduce the communication errors and we'll have quantified ROI and success. Not so fast. While the clinical documentation was now in a digital format, the data would be in the EMR, and X% of the medical errors are now reduced. Success! If only. Too many variables at the time from the tech capabilities side, did the documentation happen in real time, and the matching engine to trigger that awareness of a potential medical error wasn't as mature. Looking holistically at the landscape and if we stamp Obamacare in 2009 as the start date, a high percentage of the market has +/- 15 years worth of historically valuable data to leverage and the technology to actually reduce medical errors. I'm as excited as a 5 year old at Christmas with these developments!!!
The Tech that drives Reducing Medical Errors with AI is a combination of Google's Vertex AI and MedLM and Redox Nexus. Redox and our platform will seamlessly connect and feed the data to Vertex AI leveraging the MedLM Large Language Model to immediately document the potential side effects, drug interactions, and what good looks like after the treatment. When those potential conflicts are immediately identified and documented, this is a quantum leap in the direction to solving for reducing medical errors. When 2 companies deeply rooted in search and data flow at scale have a partnership the sky is the limit. Reach out for a demo whether you're a customer or integrator. Goal is to improve patient care without changing bedpans. You won't be disappointed....
Sticking with the summer vibes the Tunes when it comes to Reducing Medical Errors with AI is Sublime courtesy of the OG Healthcare Marketeer Lanette Broderick. The 2 songs that tie back into reducing medical errors are What I Got and Santeria. What I Got so we don't get run over and if we don't leverage the data we're practicing witchcraft and Santeria which is really far from Precision Medicine.
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