Reducing Hallucinations in LLMs

Reducing Hallucinations in LLMs

In the rapidly evolving landscape of pharmaceutical research and development, Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as powerful tools for drug discovery, literature analysis, clinical trial optimization and other applications throughout the value chain right through to sales and marketing. However, a significant hurdle for these AI models is the issue of hallucinations. In the context of LLMs, hallucinations refer to the generation of false or misleading information that appears plausible but lacks factual basis.

These AI "fabrications" can have profound implications on drug safety, regulatory compliance, and patient outcomes. As the pharmaceutical industry increasingly relies on AI-driven insights, addressing LLM hallucinations has become not just a technological imperative but an ethical and regulatory necessity.

The stakes in our field are uniquely high – a hallucinated drug interaction or misinterpreted clinical data could lead to life-threatening consequences. Therefore, mastering the art of reducing AI hallucinations is crucial for maintaining the integrity of drug development processes, ensuring patient safety, and upholding the stringent standards of pharmaceutical research.

The Cost of Hallucinations

The cost of hallucinations in LLMs extends far beyond mere inaccuracies, encompassing significant economic, reputational, and potentially even legal ramifications. At its core, hallucinations represent a fundamental flaw in the reliability of AI-generated content, which can have cascading effects across pharma industry applications.

Economic Implications

The economic cost of hallucinations in LLMs is substantial. When pharmaceutical companies leverage LLMs for tasks such as drug discovery, clinical trial data analysis, or patient interaction, inaccuracies can lead to costly errors or significant fines if the errors are not detected until too late.

For example, incorrect data interpretation during drug development can result in failed trials, costing millions of dollars and years of research. Furthermore, regulatory bodies like the FDA require precise data for approvals, meaning that hallucinations can delay or derail drug approval processes, leading to substantial financial losses.

Impact on Trust and Credibility

Hallucinations also affect the trustworthiness of LLMs, which is crucial for their adoption in the pharmaceutical industry. If stakeholders perceive these models as unreliable, their integration into workflows becomes less viable. This skepticism can hinder innovation, as companies may revert to traditional, more labour-intensive methods rather than risk relying on potentially inaccurate AI outputs. The reputational damage from disseminating incorrect information can also be severe, leading to a loss of credibility and consumer trust.

Ethical and Safety Concerns

In healthcare settings, the ethical implications of hallucinations are profound. Incorrect information can adversely affect patient outcomes, leading to misdiagnosis or inappropriate treatment recommendations. For example, if an LLM incorrectly suggests a contraindicated medication, the results could be life-threatening and we have already seen this happen from one project a big tech firm, with disastrous results. In that case, fortunately the physicians were quick to notice the errors in the output. Ensuring patient safety becomes a paramount concern, necessitating rigorous validation and oversight of AI-generated content.

Mitigation Strategies

To counteract these challenges, researchers and developers are investing in robust mitigation strategies. These include the integration of fact-checking mechanisms, enhanced model training with diverse datasets, and implementing feedback loops where human experts review AI outputs. Moreover, the development of hybrid models that combine LLMs with rule-based systems can reduce hallucinations by cross-referencing AI outputs against established medical guidelines.

Root Causes of LLM Hallucinations

A primary influence on the occurrence of LLM hallucinations is the nature of the training data, encompassing both its quality and diversity. Pharmaceutical data are highly specialized, technical, and often proprietary, making it challenging to obtain comprehensive and unbiased datasets for model training. Incomplete or skewed training data can lead to LLMs generating inaccurate information about drug interactions, side effects, or clinical trial results.

Additionally, the complex and nuanced nature of pharmaceutical language, with its specialized terminology and context-dependent meanings, can pose challenges for LLM architectures. Flaws in the model design, such as insufficient attention mechanisms or inadequate handling of domain-specific knowledge, can result in LLMs producing hallucinated responses related to drug formulations, dosage recommendations, or regulatory guidelines.

Prompt engineering, a crucial aspect of LLM deployment, also plays a significant role in mitigating hallucinations in the pharma domain. Crafting prompts that effectively capture the intended meaning and context of a query requires a deep understanding of the pharmaceutical landscape, as well as the limitations and biases of the LLM being used. Poorly designed prompts can lead to LLMs generating responses that are irrelevant, contradictory, or even potentially harmful in a medical setting.

To address these challenges, pharma companies are exploring various strategies. One approach is to invest in the development of specialized, domain-specific LLMs trained on curated pharmaceutical datasets, ensuring better alignment with industry-specific knowledge and terminology. Additionally, incorporating robust prompt engineering techniques, such as prompt decomposition, prompt chaining, and prompt tuning, can help LLMs generate more accurate and reliable responses within the pharma context.

Furthermore, the implementation of explainable AI (XAI) techniques can provide valuable insights into the inner workings of LLMs, enabling the identification and mitigation of hallucinations. By understanding the model's decision-making process, pharma experts can better assess the trustworthiness of LLM outputs and make informed decisions about their deployment in critical applications.

Cutting-Edge Techniques to Reduce LLM Hallucinations

Let’s look at some of the techniques that can be used to reduce LLM hallucinations:

A) Advanced Prompting Methods

One key strategy is the use of advanced prompting methods. By carefully crafting the prompts fed to the LLM, we can guide the model to stay within the bounds of its training data and avoid generating unreliable outputs.

For example, including requests for step-by-step information can help the LLM focus on factual, evidence-based responses. This is how “chain of thought” prompting is done and the output is done in such a way that a human can follow the steps and check the accuracy.

Another effective prompting technique is the use of "few-shot" examples, where the LLM is provided with a small number of high-quality, domain-specific responses to use as a template. This helps the model understand the expected format and content for pharmaceutical queries, reducing the risk of hallucinations.

Additionally, the integration of external tools and knowledge sources, such as accessing drug databases or running pharmacokinetic simulations, can further enhance the reliability of LLM outputs. By combining the model's language understanding capabilities with authoritative, domain-specific information, the risk of hallucinations can be significantly reduced.

B) Few-shot and zero-shot learning

Few-shot and zero-shot learning are emerging strategies that can significantly enhance the performance and reliability of LLMs in various pharmaceutical applications, such as drug discovery, clinical trial design, and adverse event reporting.

Few-shot learning can be leveraged to train LLMs on a small number of high-quality, domain-specific examples related to drug mechanisms, clinical trial protocols, or adverse event reporting. By providing the model with a few representative samples, the LLM can better understand the context, format, and expected outputs for these tasks, reducing the likelihood of hallucinations.

For instance, a few-shot learning approach could involve training an LLM on a handful of well-documented case reports of adverse drug reactions, enabling the model to accurately identify and summarize similar events in the future, rather than generating fabricated or irrelevant information.

On the other hand, zero-shot learning allows LLMs to generalize their broad understanding of language and scientific knowledge to tackle novel pharmaceutical tasks without any task-specific training. This can be particularly useful in scenarios where the available data is limited, or the task is highly specialized, such as predicting the potential interactions between a new drug candidate and existing medications or identifying rare adverse events from unstructured data sources. By relying on their general knowledge and reasoning capabilities, zero-shot LLMs can make informed inferences without resorting to unsupported assumptions or hallucinations.

Pharmaceutical companies are actively exploring the integration of few-shot and zero-shot learning techniques into their LLM-powered applications to enhance reliability and trustworthiness.

Furthermore, the use of few-shot and zero-shot learning in LLMs can contribute to improved pharmacovigilance, where the models can be trained or generalized to detect and report adverse drug events more accurately, reducing the risk of missed or fabricated safety signals.

C) Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is an effective approach that merges information retrieval with the generative power of Large Language Models (LLMs) to enhance the accuracy and contextual relevance of outputs. This approach can effectively reduce the incidence of hallucinations - the generation of plausible but factually incorrect information - which is a common challenge faced by LLMs.

Despite the role of RAG in mitigating hallucinations, challenges persist as LLMs can still produce content that misaligns with or outright contradicts the information retrieved during the augmentation process. To effectively tackle and reduce hallucinations in the RAG framework, it's essential to create benchmark datasets that specifically measure the extent of these inaccuracies.

The Retrieval-Augmented Generation Benchmark (RGB) is a specialized dataset designed to evaluate RAG performance in both English and Chinese. A distinctive feature of this dataset is its division into four specialized evaluation frameworks including noise robustness, negative rejection, information integration, and counterfactual robustness. Each of these targets a crucial aspect of mitigating hallucinations, thereby providing a comprehensive approach to assessing LLM performance.

A study on six different LLMs using the RGB dataset found that, while these models handle noisy data to some extent, they notably struggle with rejecting false information, effectively synthesizing data, and identifying inaccuracies.

Another focused collection designed to closely examine hallucinations at the word level is RAGTruth, which spans numerous domains and activities within the conventional RAG setups for LLM usage. This collection of nearly 18,000 authentic responses from various LLMs using Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) represents a significant step toward understanding and minimizing word-level hallucinations.

By leveraging specialized tools like RGB and RAGTruth, researchers and developers can gain valuable insights into the performance of LLMs within the RAG framework, ultimately leading to the development of more advanced strategies for hallucination prevention and the creation of more trustworthy and reliable generative AI systems.

D) Fine-tuning LLMs for Pharmaceutical Applications

Fine-tuning is a crucial strategy for reducing hallucinations in LLMs when deploying them in the pharmaceutical domain. By adjusting the LLM's learned patterns to align with the unique nuances, vocabulary, and factual information specific to the pharmaceutical industry, fine-tuning can significantly improve the accuracy and relevance of the model's outputs.

Pharmaceutical data is highly specialized, with complex terminology, intricate relationships between drugs, diseases, and biological processes, as well as a wealth of regulatory and clinical information. Pretraining LLMs on broad, general-purpose data can lead to gaps in their knowledge and an inability to properly contextualize information for pharmaceutical use cases, resulting in a higher propensity for hallucinations.

Fine-tuning the LLM on a curated dataset of pharmaceutical literature, clinical trial data, drug databases, and other relevant sources can help the model correct or update its knowledge base, ensuring that it generates responses that are not only factually correct but also coherent and contextual within the pharmaceutical domain.

Moreover, fine-tuning can be done in a parameter-efficient manner using techniques like Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA), which can significantly reduce the time, resources, and expertise required compared to full fine-tuning. This makes it more accessible for pharmaceutical companies, even those with limited AI/ML capabilities, to adapt pre-trained LLMs for their specific needs.

However, fine-tuning is not a panacea for eliminating hallucinations. Challenges such as domain shift, bias amplification, and catastrophic forgetting must be carefully addressed through techniques like parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) and continual learning. Ongoing monitoring and validation of the fine-tuned model's outputs are also essential to ensure its reliability and trustworthiness in mission-critical pharmaceutical applications.

Measuring and Monitoring Hallucinations

Accurately measuring and monitoring hallucinations in pharmaceutical LLMs is crucial to ensure these powerful tools are used safely and effectively.

To address the challenge of hallucinations, researchers have developed various automated detection tools. The Hallucination Detection tool, uses a combination of natural language processing techniques and knowledge-base querying to identify factual inconsistencies in LLM outputs. By leveraging domain-specific ontologies and databases, HDS can flag potential hallucinations, allowing pharma companies to quickly identify and address issues before they impact patient safety or research integrity.

Another tool, the Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) framework, integrates retrieval mechanisms with LLMs to enhance factual accuracy. RAG-based models retrieve relevant information from a knowledge base and use it to guide the generation process, reducing the likelihood of hallucinations. Pharma companies can implement RAG-based LLMs to ensure that their AI-powered systems provide reliable, evidence-based information to healthcare professionals and researchers.

For instance, one example solution operates on a specialized variant of the Jurassic II LLM, which has been trained in business domains such as finance, medicine, insurance, and pharmaceuticals. By training the model on specific document triplets (documents, questions, and answers), it ensures that the model learns to retrieve information only from the provided sources, reducing the risk of hallucinations. Another key feature of this approach is its ability to handle large document sizes, supporting any number of documents of any length. This is particularly important in the pharma industry, where regulatory documents, clinical trial data, and other critical information can span hundreds of pages. In contrast, many other LLM-based solutions are limited to a smaller context window, which can lead to incomplete or inaccurate information retrieval.

To further enhance the reliability of LLM outputs, employing a multi-layered approach, incorporating filters and rails to detect and remove hallucinations is important. This ensures that the final output is grounded in the provided data sources and is highly unlikely to contain false or fabricated information.

Case Studies and Industry Insights

The Knowledge Graph-based Retrofitting (KGR) approach offers a promising solution to the challenge of hallucinations in Large Language Models (LLMs). This innovative method combines the power of LLMs with the structured information found in Knowledge Graphs (KGs) to enhance the accuracy and reliability of model outputs.

KGR works by first generating an initial response using an LLM, then refining this draft by cross-referencing it with factual information stored in KGs. This process helps to identify and correct potential inaccuracies or fabrications in the model's output.

Integrating LLMs with comprehensive pharmaceutical knowledge graphs, the KGR method can effectively identify and correct factual inconsistencies or fabrications in the model's outputs. This is particularly crucial in areas like drug-drug interactions, adverse event reporting, and treatment guidelines, where even minor inaccuracies can have serious implications for patient safety and clinical decision-making.

The autonomous nature of the KGR method is a significant advantage, as it eliminates the need for manual intervention and ensures a scalable and efficient process for maintaining the reliability of LLM outputs in the pharma domain. This is especially important in fast-paced, data-driven environments where the volume and complexity of information can quickly overwhelm human reviewers.

Moreover, the KGR method has demonstrated impressive results in improving LLM performance on factual QA benchmarks, particularly in complex reasoning tasks. This suggests that the integration of knowledge graphs can significantly enhance the factual integrity of LLM outputs, making them more trustworthy and reliable for critical pharma applications.


Addressing hallucinations in LLMs is crucial for the pharmaceutical industry to ensure the reliability and safety of AI-driven drug discovery and development processes. The integration of domain-specific knowledge graphs with LLMs has emerged as a powerful approach to mitigate false information generation. This method, combined with multi-modal verification techniques, significantly enhances the accuracy of predictions in areas such as drug-target interactions, molecular structure analysis, and side effect profiling.

Continuous learning mechanisms and feedback loops involving domain experts further refine these models, reducing the risk of hallucinations over time. The implementation of these strategies is not just a technical necessity but an ethical imperative, directly impacting patient safety and regulatory compliance. As the industry moves forward, standardizing benchmarks for assessing LLM hallucinations in pharma-specific tasks becomes increasingly important. By collectively addressing these challenges, the pharmaceutical sector can fully harness the potential of LLMs while maintaining the highest standards of scientific integrity, ultimately accelerating the pace of drug discovery and improving patient outcomes.

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Stu Angus

Advising Small Biotechs on AI Strategy, Tool Selection & Implementation

1 周

Interesting topic in the context of drug-drug interactions like Godwin Josh mentioned. I want to make sure I understand the form that the hallucinated output data would take. If there was a hallucination with an LLM, that hallucinated product data would be either the presence or absence of an interaction (false positive or false negative) between 2 drugs. Is this right, or is my interpretation off? Still wrapping my head around this

Nil Alisson A. Pereira

Analista de Negócios | Engenharia de Requisitos de Software | LLMs | AWS

2 周

Large Language Models (LLMs) are transforming the pharmaceutical industry, from drug discovery to clinical trial optimization. However, the issue of "hallucinations" — where models generate plausible but inaccurate information — presents a critical challenge that could impact drug safety and regulatory compliance. Mitigating these errors through strategies like fact-checking, model refinement, and explainable AI is essential to ensure the reliability of LLMs in a sector where the consequences of mistakes are extremely high.

Luca Magni

Professor of Practice and Career Advisor at LUISS Business School

3 周

Congrats Dr. Andrée Bates for this very interesting article. There is an additional point that I believe we need to take into consideration as being particularly important and that refers to the risks deriving from the compounded effects of "the limitations and biases of the LLM being used" and the learnables (see #LearnableTheory) of users.

This is a very detailed article with very excellent points. I've had many similar discussions with colleagues in the past about this subject although we never specifically used the term "hallucinations". For the sake of clarity, I understand a hallucination to be when someone is firmly convinced they see, here or feel something that isn't there. In the case of AI and LLM, would use a less psychiatric word and call it a misunderstanding. A lot of inappropriate responses from both AI and each other is because the question wasn't asked in a way the recipient can understand. Allow me to illustrate with a word search game I've played with ChatGPT. Say "Show me all 6 letter words with ONLY the letters APTHGY. ChatGPT will give you what you ask but it will also offer words with letters not in the list. When you point out the errors ChatGPT will say you are correct, apologize, then offer words and continue to include words with incorrect letters or the incorrect number of letters. What I didn't know was ChatGPT has a counter function. I rephrased my statement by beginning with "Using your counter function... and the results are exactly what I asked for. My point is that I learned the failure is not necessarily the falability of the AI.


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