Reducing density in PP Copolymer compounds with Gloxil iM16k A

Reducing density in PP Copolymer compounds with Gloxil iM16k A

In recent years, the topic of lightweight construction has steadily increased in importance, especially in the area of traffic and transport. Thermoplastics play an important role here, including polyamide and polypropylene. These already have relatively low densities and thus component weights. Various options are available for further weight optimization, and hollow glass microspheres play a particularly important role here.?3M?Glass Bubbles are used for this purpose due to their positive properties. Surface functionalization is a suitable method for optimizing mechanical properties.

The product at a glance

Gloxil iM16k A?is a micro hollow glass sphere whose surface has been modified with a special amino functional group. The process parameters are selected in such a way that, on the one hand, anchoring to the surface takes place and, on the other hand, released by-products are removed as far as possible during production. Undesirable by-products, such as occur during in-situ mixing (i.e. during the direct addition of the additives), are therefore practically completely prevented.

Technical study of Gloxil iM16k A in Polypropylene PP Copolymer

To show positive effects of surface functionalization in Polypropylene PP Copolymer of the Gloxil iM16k A is compared to 3M Glass Bubbles iM16k (the base material) concerning the mechanical property profile, e.g. tensile, flexural and yield strength. In this study, it was the objective to reduce density respectively weight at good mechanical properties.

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Compound formulation. The PP-g-MAH is used to enable coupling of filler and polymer.


With replacing up to 25 weight-percent (according to 40 volume-percent) a similar reduction in weight can be achieved. In addition, this results in a reduction of density from 0.91 to 0.74 at highest loading. As illustrated below, both progressions follow a linear trend, which indicates that also at other loadings there will be always an advantage in density and weight reduction.

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Density of the compound and weight reduction related to increasing loading with Gloxil iM16k A.

Concerning mechanical results, both products?iM16k?and?Gloxil iM16k A?show better properties in tensile modulus and flexural modulus compared to the pure PP compound. Furthermore, if particularly the modified Gloxil is seen concerning, e.g., yield strength, flexural strength and tensile strength, it reaches such levels as the purely PP filled compound, whereas the base material?iM16k?shows worse results. Hence, if there is the possibility for a trade-off between properties reached only with using PP in the compound but by gaining the reduction in density and weight as well as the potential volume-cost reduction, the partial replacement of PP with the?Gloxil iM16k A?can fulfill the objective positively.

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Overall performance with no filler (only PP), the base material iM16k and Gloxil iM16k A.

All results were determined in the freshly molded (dry) state.

Data determined by 3M Advanced Materials Division, Special Additives Laboratory.


Gloxil iM16k A shows in comparison to the untreated hollow glass spheres:

  • Same density and thus weight saving potential
  • Comparable increase in stiffness (tensile and flexural modulus)
  • Significantly higher tensile strength, largely independent of the filler content at the level of the unfilled PP copolymer
  • Significantly higher flexural strength, with increasing filler content even higher than the unfilled PP copolymer
  • Higher impact strength
  • Higher notched impact strength

Want to know more about?Gloxil iM16k A?in PP?

Stay tuned for future posts regarding the Tailored Filler Solutions to receive a better understanding on the products and where to use them!?

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