Reduced Labour Market Testing for Subclass 482 and 494 Visa Holders
Sheila Woods
Managing Director | Registered Migration Agent - Business Migration at Interstaff
The process of testing the local labour market before sponsoring a worker on a Subclass 482 or 494 Visa has now become more simple following government changes that came into effect on December 11, 2023. Here’s what employers and skilled visa applicants and holders should know.
What has changed? | Labor Market Testing Australia
From December 11, 2023, it is no longer mandatory for employers to advertise a position on the Government employment service, Workforce Australia, before sponsoring a worker on a Subclass 482 or 494 visa. This means employers only need to advertise on two valid job platforms instead of three.
The change also means employers only need to provide evidence of a total of two advertisements at the time the nomination is lodged, rather than three. This applies to on-hand nominations and nominations lodged on or after December 11, 2023.
As a result of the change, employers will no longer need to coordinate and manage job advertisements across three separate job platforms, reducing the level of administration required to sponsor a worker.
The changes also apply to Subclass 482 and 494 Visa holders engaged under the Labour Agreement stream (Category 2 location). From December 11, 2023, LMT requirements for businesses in a Category 2 location will no longer need to advertise on Workforce Australia and will only need to conduct two valid advertisements. All LMT for Category 2 locations must have taken place up to 12 months before lodgement of the nomination and must comply with other LMT requirements. For advice on how LMT applies to labor agreements, you may wish to seek professional advice.
What other labor market testing requirements apply?
All other existing Labour Market Testing (LMT) requirements are still in place unless a person is exempt from LMT or alternative arrangements apply, such as international trade obligations.
When employers sponsor a visa holder, other LMT requirements that must be met include:
The above summary may provide some general guidance on LMT requirements; however, you may wish to seek professional advice from a registered migration agent, such as Interstaff, as the Government does require that LMT requirements be met in very specific ways.
What changes to Labour Market Testing can we expect?
It appears the Government is listening to business feedback that labor market testing requirements have become too administrative, hindering access to global talent at a time when skills shortages are widespread. The recent changes are certainly a step in the right direction for many employers.
According to the Government’s migration strategy, the Subclass 482 Visa will soon be replaced with a new Skills in Demand Visa. It seems this visa will be a 4-year temporary work visa with three targeted pathways or tiers, whereby LMT may not be required for the top-tier workers earning at least $135,000 per year.
This article is part of Interstaff's series, 'Embarking on a Migration Strategy'. Established in 1988, Interstaff has over 35 years of Australian visa and migration experience and is an Australian-owned and operated business providing strategic migration advice to businesses and individuals Australia-wide and internationally.
About the Author?| Sheila Woods is a Registered Migration Agent (MARN: 0533879) and the Managing Director of Interstaff and has over 15 years experience in Australian migration matters for businesses and skilled visa holders.
Connect with Sheila and follow Interstaff for more migration insights, or get in touch to discuss your business' visa and sponsorship options.
Interstaff | 1800 449 858 | [email protected] | Head Office: Ground Floor, 20 Clive St, West Perth
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.
Absolutely insightful update! Remember, change is the law of life, as John F. Kennedy wisely put. Adaptation and awareness in the global talent pool are key ????. Stay informed, stay ahead. #globalmobility #adaptandovercomeAbsolutely insightful update! Remember, change is the law of life, as John F. Kennedy wisely put. Adaptation and awareness in the global talent pool are key ????. Stay informed, stay ahead. #globalmobility #adaptandovercome