Reduce your electricity costs with simple tips.
SOVRN (Solar & Backup) Energy
Your premium Meister green Solar PV & Backup/Storage Energy partner. Contact us on [email protected] or 0827707965
There are a few ways to reduce your daily electrical costs; where the initial attention should be given to understanding what consumes (power) and when (time of day & duration). After that do consider your purchasing of power habits; it doesn't help to buy more than one month of power at a time, as you'll forgo the price/unit of 'block 1' = 0-600kWh (details in table below).
Now, enter the theory of 'first energy', where your focus is to reduce consumption as much as possible without impacting your life negatively, perhaps only habitually.
Once you have noted where and when your power is being used, start investigating ways to use them more efficiently, here follows some places to target and new appliances to consider:
Performed these saving tips, but still have a high power bill, plus you would like to use greener made power
Here is when you need to explore Solar PV and Backup/Storgage energy and we recommend you start that journey here: It will guide you, with first steps being identifying a local installer that easily be on call.
Operating from Constantia, Cape Town, we offer premium Meister quality installations, of the best major equipment available to the Southern and mountain hugging Suburbs of Cape Town. If you want the best, appreciate Meister quality, believe in Solar power, are ready to invest in your Energy security, then we are your team.
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