Reduce it to the sentence
I recently came across a quote by the great Michael Lewis, the author of The Big Short and Moneyball. He said, "People don't pay attention when they're interested; they pay attention briefly." This statement rings so true!
Whether you're telling a story, writing brand positioning, or explaining a concept, try to reduce it to a single sentence. Condense the entire meaning into the most simple statement—one that is impossible to misunderstand or overlook.
We live such busy lives that when we take the time to make actual eye contact, beyond casual chitchat, that's when stories truly unfold. But in order to do that, a simple notion needs to grasp your attention.
Reflecting on a recent conversation I had with my dear friend Nikolas Michalias , Founder of M.Residence about real estate messaging, we noted that people often get bored with overly complex analysis. They prefer simple, digestible, and easy-to-grasp concepts.
It's no wonder that the world's best brands reduce their positioning to just 3-4 words.
What are your thoughts?