Reduce the Risk of Leadership Training
Molly Hughes Wilmer
Empowering Tech Leaders to Drive Innovation & Sustainable Growth | CEO of Oyster Insight | Strategist & Leadership Development Expert
The most expensive training is the one that doesn't work - not only have you wasted dollars, you have jeopardized your leaders' trust and confidence. Training often doesn't work because it is not comprehensive enough.
When only 15% of learning happens in formal training or coaching sessions, it’s important for organizations to take the helm and maximize the potential of the other 85%. Integrated leadership development fosters well-rounded leaders by utilizing formal training and coaching, integrated with diverse learning methods and experiences, to emphasize the interconnectedness of various leadership competencies.
The four phases of an integrated learning model are:
·??????? Learning: Formal content presentation
·??????? Doing: Experiential learning
·??????? Connecting: Processing of ideas in facilitated groups
·??????? Reflecting: Personal analysis and adoption of ideas and styles
Various methods can be implemented during the different phases, including:
·??????? Coaching : 1-on-1, group and team coaching
·??????? Training sessions
·??????? Workshops
·??????? Retreats
·??????? Cohorts
·??????? Masterminds
·??????? Shadowing
·??????? Mentoring
Learn more about integrated leadership development at our August Insight Hour: “Reduce the Risk of Leadership Training: Maximize Impact & Investment”
Wednesday, August 21 at 1:00 eastern on Zoom. Request an invitation.