Reduce Indoor Air Pollution in Your Home
You can't see it, but sometimes you can smell it. Indoor air pollution can occur from a huge variety of chemicals, products, even pets. It can aggravate, irritate, and in some cases cause serious harm.
Indoor air pollution is the degradation of indoor air quality by harmful chemicals and other materials; it can be up to 10 times worse than outdoor air pollution. This is because contained areas enable potential pollutants to build up more than open spaces.
The ill-effects of indoor air pollution result in about 2 million premature deaths per year, wherein 44% are due to pneumonia, 54% from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and 2% from lung cancer.
The most affected groups are women and younger children, as they spend maximum time at home. The morbidities associated with indoor air pollution are respiratory illnesses, viz., acute respiratory tract infection and COPD, poor perinatal outcomes like low birth weight and still birth, cancer of nasopharynx, larynx, lung,) and leukemia. .
Kurmi OP, Semple S, Simkhada P, Smith WC, Ayres JG. COPD and chronic bronchitis risk of indoor air pollution from solid fuel: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Thorax. 2010;65:221–8. [PubMed]
Pope DP, Mishra V, Thompson L, Siddiqui AR, Rehfuess EA, Weber M, et al. Risk of low birth weight and stillbirth associated with indoor air pollution from solid fuel use in developing countries. Epidemiol Rev. 2010;32:70–81. [PubMed]
I add the use of the plants, for the purification of the air of the interior of the houses, according to the study of the NASA. In 1989, NASA carried out a study to determine which are the most suitable to fulfill this mission in a closed space. The report took into account the diverse pollutants present in the air, the characteristics of the plants, and the facility to obtain them in the market.
The most common contaminants, and that the plants are responsible for filtering, are benzene, xylene, ammonia, trichlorethylene and formaldehyde, according to the study. Indoor plants have the ability to neutralize up to 85% of air pollution.
Formaldehyde. It is found in furniture made of chipboard, carpets, upholstery materials, tobacco smoke, plastic. It produces allergic reactions and asthma. Trichlorethylene. It is found in cleaners for carpets and fabrics, chlorinated water, cartridges for printers, paints and varnishes.
Trichlorethylene is a strong carcinogen, affects the liver and kidneys, and causes psychomotor agitation. Benzene. It is found in tobacco smoke, detergents, soap, paints and varnishes. Able to cause leukemia, it accumulates in adipose tissue.
Ammonia. It is found in computers, tobacco smoke and industrial agents for cleaning. Causes inflammation of the larynx and lungs. Xylene. It is produced in plastics, paints, varnishes and glues, vehicle exhaust gases, leather products and tobacco smoke. It causes irritation in the skin, respiratory tract and mucous membrane of the eye.
10 Best Air Filtering House Plants, According to NASA.
Nasa. interior landscape plants for indoor air pollution abatement..
The Best Air-Purifying Plants for Your Home.
The traditional energetic, moved by dark interests, are polluting the planet and contribute to make people sick and deteriorate the ecosystem. Oil is not eternal. The polluting energies, is not the solution. So, the best solution is to reach the maximum possible energy, with renewable energies. Optimize renewables in each country, community environment or, for example, ecovillages.
Germany is a world leader in wind energy and has a photovoltaic solar power installed 15 times greater than that of Spain, despite having a much lower average solar irradiation than ours. The technical and economic feasibility of an electricity generation system based 100% on renewable energies is a fact that has already been scientifically proven. A renewable system for peninsular
Spain, and its economic viability of the Institute of Technological Research (IIT) of the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, commissioned by Greenpeace, has shown that there are numerous combinations of different renewable technologies (solar thermal, onshore wind, offshore wind, biomass, solar photovoltaic, hydroelectric, wave energy and geothermal) to meet 100% of the peninsular electricity demand, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, at a lower cost than a system based in conventional technologies.
I believe the new worst threat is dryer vent output, and, very similar, air fresheners, perfumes, artificial fragrances, plastered to peoples/children's/babies bodies all day long and under sheets along with the wonderful flame retard-ants.
I think it was the university of Washington that stated a few years back that city pollution has doubled or back to similar automobile exhaust pollution before catalytic convertors.
It is the worst pollution by far facing many people.. No more windows open, can't be outside in your yard very long or at all on weekends as people do their laundry all weekend long, limited garden options, it's a vial chemical stink that sticks together and rolls low to the ground like an amebic gel cloud,
What's that about.?
The proximity, close to body, toxicity effects and answer, if possible questions like, what exactly are the compounds after they are cooked in a dryer and then expelled into peoples yards and how much remains on and is breathed into garden plants, is it absorbed in all parts of the plant, etc.. The same chemical seems to be on everything in every big box store. I'm highly reactive to these compounds and like some others I know cannot go into most stores or visit friends or families. This contamination in accelerating and almost nobody even knows it's an issue
Don’t forget about radon for certain parts of the country it’s way higher, opening the doors and windows is crucial to fight against this silent killer, plus having an up to date hvac that cycles in fresh air helps a lot too!!!
New digital meters are available online, if you cough a lot when you open your house to air it out it’s not because your letting the toxins in it’s because your reducing the toxins that have built up in your house which stop your micro villa in your lungs from doing their job, kind of like when a person quits smoking and gets a cough, give it time it will go away but it’s also a sign that you have an air exchange problem in your house!!!
Your thoughts …………………?
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Thank you …Public awareness: One of the most important steps in prevention of indoor air pollution is education, viz., spreading awareness among people about the issue and the serious threat it poses to their health and wellbeing.
The education should help people in finding different ways of reducing exposures with better kitchen management and protection of children at home.
People should also be educated about the use of alternative cleaner sources of energy to replace direct combustion of biomass fuel. The stakeholders must include not only public, but also politicians and administrators to ensure their commitment and increase their awareness about health effects of indoor air pollution.