Reduce Costs & Complexities with HCL BigFix
With daily discussions across Asia Pacific and Japan I have many organizations focused on reducing costs, improving services & security and mitigating the risks within their organization. The discussions my team and HCL Software are having with customers are above and beyond the obvious traditional cost reduction approaches. Minimizing initial spend is sometimes a dangerous exercise and organizations acquire tools and cheap resources to complete tasks that can be achieved by getting the correct tools, people and processes in place. Time to action can be a risky business if you have reliance on people and tools that are not up for the job.
Below are just some examples of how we are helping organizations reduce costs and complexities -
Reduce Software Costs
This is an obvious one, but many organizations do not have true visibility of the software they are using and over deployment and wasted money can easily be saved. HCL BigFix reduces software costs by identifying unused or underused licenses, and dramatically reducing the time required to conduct a comprehensive software asset inventory. We can even remove the software not being fully utilized.
Consolidate Tools
Many organizations have unintentionally created management silos, often based on operating system, requiring a specialized staff and numerous infrastructure components. HCL BigFix can help organizations consolidate tools, reduce costs and improve staff efficiency. Visibility of tools being used normally unearths too many tools, people and skillsets required to keep the organization up and running. It is a balancing act of maximizing current investments and making the decision to consolidate when it has clear reductions in costs and complexity.
Automate and protect your secure infrastructure.
We empower IT to secure and manage every type of datacenter endpoint. So whether you’re on-prem, virtual, or cloud-based, our automating operations help you maintain compliance - with a single endpoint management platform. There are too many people and processes involved in many IT and Security tasks. Automation can save time, people and protect your organization quicker.
HCL BigFix Fixlets? and tasks are core to the HCL BigFix platform and perform required actions on selected computers. Although similar in their function, Fixlets are used to enforce compliance policies while tasks are actions that are run by IT staff. Both provide powerful automation capabilities for server management teams.
With thousands of HCL BigFix Fixlets and tasks available to download, almost anything can be automated.
Improve employee experience while saving money via automation.
An industry-leading, workspace management solution with a self-service application that provides one-click resolution of common user issues and delivers access to the world’s biggest set of IT automations as well as to a powerful AI-driven employee experience platform called HCL BigFix AEX. Both solutions substantially reduce service desk calls while improving employee satisfaction.
We regularly ask the question of organizations on help desks costs, time to resolve and impact on employee productivity - Improving employee experience saves money for the organization.
I have quickly highlighted a small number of examples of how we can reduce costs and complexities with HCL Software. Reach out the team to discuss your challenges and we can work with you on how reducing cost can be an easy discussion if you look at it from a wider lens.
Saranga Rajan Nikhil Nande Divya Pathak Sujay G.R. Chandrashekar Ande Ashutosh Srivastava Steve Jones Michael Thompson Zane Sanderson Chu Heng Yew Nikhil Borle Stephen Kong C. K. Lin Dan Paquette