Rediscovering Purpose - Paul′s Story
Sarah Berry′s New Book - Find Your Purpose and LIGHT Up Your Life

Rediscovering Purpose - Paul′s Story

From a Lost Vision to a Glitzy NEW Vision ....

Everyone loves to feel appreciated for their hard work. So what happens if you don’t feel appreciated or valued any more?

Sometimes your frustration can boil over in unhealthy ways. That often uncovers a lot of previously hidden problems.

That’s why I’d like introduce you to Paul. If you’re a decision maker who feels overlooked for your great contributions, his story might just be your own.

Paul and I had already worked together years ago. The work we had completed then was to help him to secure the kind of job that would make his heart sing. Paul was an incredibly authentic person and liked being the good guy in his industry. He really loved what he did and exuded passion for his industry. His energy was electric to be around. Nothing stopped him from thinking outside the box and he could easily pull other people in to follow his vision and leadership.

Life was good to Paul until he suffered a big dent to his confidence. The company had set up a new International Division and Paul hadn′t been chosen to head it up. It was such a big blow for Paul that he was struggling to come to terms with how he had been overlooked for the role.

When Paul shared the details of this company decision, it was clear he was hiding his emotions deep inside himself. He could not look at me or articulate what he was feeling. He would literally avoid the subject of talking about his emotions. He just wanted to move the conversation onto what I thought he should do next. 

“Should I resign because I no longer trust my fellow directors, should I start looking for a new job in a rival firm, or should I just accept this situation?” 

Paul was coming across as painfully indecisive and rather hurt. It was not a reaction I would have expected from the Paul that I knew. So we set to work.

As soon as Paul started to open up and share his pain, it was clear he had had a lot of things to deal with both at home and at work. His wife had recently suffered a late miscarriage and the sense of loss they both felt had been very painful. Paul had tried to be strong for himself and his wife and do more homeworking to help them both through this emotional period. But it hadn’t been easy and he felt terrible inside that he could not give her the baby she was craving. “It’s just not happening,” he would say sheepishly. And he blamed himself for taking his eye off the ball at work. He felt his personal troubles had made him less available to his colleagues and superiors. So he blamed himself for both losses.

But the strange thing was Paul didn′t even want the job he didn’t get. It was simply a catalyst for all his pent up frustration and pain to surface. Surfacing pain can sometimes feel overwhelming as the person concerned may feel they’re going to lose their footing or slip into a big black hole. However, by letting out this pain the person will soon be gifted with feelings of relief. Then pain is replaced by inner peace.

Luckily, Paul was ready to unpack the dark stuff even if at times he felt embarrassed to do so. But he kept going because feelings of relief quickly flooded through his system and allowed him to re-connect with lost parts of himself. 

“I never realised that it had all got to be so much for me.”

But the most important work we did was related to Paul′s purpose and vision. The daily toll on Paul to deliver had weakened his vision over time. 

“No leader can leave home without their vision, so why are you Paul?” I asked him.

Re-defining his vision helped Paul to feel fuelled up again. He was a powerful visionary, but he had to improve his communication skills and create systems to maintain a constant flow of communication with his team. He had to learn how to communicate his message in a way that made his vision seem palatable and possible for everyone involved. 

Paul also had to sharpen his own intuition and start checking in with himself more often. He had to build his own confidence to pursue his hunches and follow what felt right. It did involve more self-care in terms of meditation and alone time. He also learned how to pose questions to drill down to the types of information he needed. It also meant managing his fears and not allowing them to grow in the dark.

Paul′s glitzy vision involved working on his 1, 5 and 10 year plan and putting systems in place so he could step up to a bigger game plan. As he defined who he was and what he stood for, his performance and work opportunities increased. But his setback served as a reminder that he had to set the pace, terms and value himself while going forward.

The end result was a pathway of re-defined vision and boundaries so his new life could unfold.

And that’s how Paul discovered there will always be room for growth, change and improvement, but only if you respect your own limits.

All it took was following a proven method designed to help him rediscover his sense of purpose and reconnect with what he knew he stood for. Are you a leader who feels passed over in some way? Then order your copy Find Your Purpose & Light Up Your Life by Clicking Here.

Find Your Purpose & LIGHT Up Your Life

Sarah Berry′s latest eBook might be just the solution to putting PURPOSE back into your life – even if you didn’t realise the full extent of your frustration until you read Paul’s story.

Go ahead and read Find Your Purpose & Light Up Your Life right now. You’ll discover the step by step process Paul followed to discover genuine happiness. You’ll have a complete solution and it might make every difference in how you perceive your job, your career and your life.

Order the PURPOSE eBook here.

Dr Umair Farooq BEng Hons PhD Adv.Dip FICE FCMI FIoL CEng CMgr MPMI ACIArb

3 x Fellow, 2 x Chartered, Programme & Project Management Expert, Business Development and Strategy, PPP, ICE Country Representative

5 年

Sarah Many congratulations on your new book. I look forward to working with you.


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