Rediscovering Ourselves At Any Stage

Rediscovering Ourselves At Any Stage

So many of my friends find ourselves very happy with Motherhood, yet needing something more- either for ourselves to grow mentally and spiritually, or to help out the family budget- yet not willing to give up on "family first". What offers that flexibility in the corporate world?

Read about my friend and partner, Anna's solution:

Right out of college, Anna began her career in the hospitality industry. But, in 2006, Anna decided to leave her job in pursuit of a change. She felt the time had come to explore a new direction, but wasn’t quite sure of what it would be. The following month, Anna learned that she was expecting their first child and she quickly realized that her next career would be her dream job—a mother. For the next nine years, she focused on raising her three children. “I wasn’t looking for anything else. I was very happy with my life—busy chasing little ones, but happy. I often wondered, once all of our kids were in school, what I would do with my time. Would I go back to work, and if so, what would that look like? I knew I would not want to go back to the stress of managing a restaurant.” In January of 2014, Anna was invited to her friend’s Rodan + Fields? business launch. She had never heard of the Company, but decided to attend to support her friend. Anna listened intently to the speakers and mingled with Company Leaders afterward, and she was intrigued by the opportunity. “Getting a feel for their personalities and seeing that many of them were in similar situations to me grabbed my attention. Several of them had small children and had been stay-at-home moms as well. Now they had businesses, yet it wasn’t taking them away from their families. I started to wonder if this was something I could do, too. Plus, it looked like they were having the time of their lives; I didn’t want to miss out on that fun!” Anna left the event with a “mini facial” and tried it that night when she got home. She immediately fell in love with the products and couldn’t stop thinking about the potential she saw with the Company. A few days later, she enrolled as an Independent Consultant. “Initially I wanted to get the best discount on the products, but I was also curious about taking on a new challenge to see if I could be successful with it.”

Uncovering old strengths and developing new skills

As Anna developed her business, she found herself using skills she hadn’t utilized in years. “I loved the daily interactions I had with people when I was in hospitality, and my business has given me the chance to experience that again. I have something to share and a reason to go out and connect with others—I forgot I was good at that.” The sense of accomplishment and the motivation to work toward daily goals sparked something inside of Anna, and she realized she missed having that professional challenge. “Our kids are so important, and we devote so much of ourselves to them, but our goals are more long-term. As parents, often times, we don’t see the fruits of our labor until they’re grown. My business made me realize I’d stopped doing things for myself, and it lit a fire inside of me that I hadn’t felt in a long time. It felt so good to see the results of my efforts right away and to know that I had the ability to turn it into something bigger than I’d ever expected.” Anna’s business has also changed her outlook on life and how she interacts with others. “I’d been quite comfortable in my situation and hadn’t been looking beyond my own little world. This experience has given me back my confidence and drive, and now I’m eager to approach people and build new relationships. Having something to call my own flipped a switch for me. Now, when I’m at my children’s activities, I love getting to know the other parents, whereas before, I may have been content to sit by myself. I’ve found that I’m more invested in others, and I want to learn about their lives.” 

Anna has also learned how to be a stronger listener and how to set boundaries for herself in both her professional and personal life. “I used to have a hard time saying ‘no’ to people because I didn’t want to disappoint anyone. I’d end up taking on too much because I’d try to be all things to all people at all times. It’s been a challenge to take a step back, but the training that R+F provides is helping me set limits and maintain my priorities.” Welcomed progress In March of 2015, Anna achieved Level V, working eight to ten hours a week, and is grateful that she can be successful while still focusing on her main priority: her family. It’s been very empowering for her to earn a significant income; she’s covering their mortgage and sending their kids to private school. “I’m contributing financially, and that makes me feel really good.” 


Choices and freedom are what so many of us crave. Congratulations, Anna, on your courage and wisdom to leave your comfort zone and help others succeed!


