Rediscovering Community: From Isolation to Belonging

Rediscovering Community: From Isolation to Belonging

Not too long ago, life was different. We lived close to our neighbours and were surrounded by family, extended family, and friends. Communities were strong, and everyone looked out for each other. Mothers often raised their children together, helping each other with everyday tasks whenever someone needed help. This created a safety net and a sense of belonging, knowing you were not alone in your ups or downs.

But today, most families are isolated from each other. Modern life has pushed us into our own little bubbles and silos, where we are vulnerable and alone. Families now carry all the weight of careers, household chores, and childcare without much help, juggling and hustling to make life work.

It is simply too much for one family to manage, putting enormous pressure on families, often leading to burnout. Mothers experience post-partum depression, wisdom is no longer passed down by generations, and time is extremely limited within each family.

The Hidden Risks of Loneliness

Research shows that social isolation and loneliness can make us sick. They’re linked to health problems like heart disease, depression, and anxiety. Even when living together in a small family, people feel lonely.

The constant hustle and stress of performing at work and home, with often two parents working full time and managing the household, activities, children, and their health and social life, is a stretch few can handle in a balanced and healthy way.

It Takes a Village to Raise a Child

On the flip side, strong social connections can make us healthier and happier. Communities offer emotional support, practical help, and a sense of purpose. The knowing that if you get sick, your neighbour will pick your kids up from school or come over with leftovers from dinner if you just gave birth gives a feeling of security and connection.

There is an old saying, “It takes a village to raise a child” it reminds us that two over-worked and stressed parents who only get to see their children a couple of times a day before and after work might not be the ideal way of running a family and raising children.

Women Leading the Way

Many women and families now want to return to a more connected way of living, where life moves slower, and there is more time for presence and connection with the family. The stress of juggling careers, parenting, and personal responsibilities without support has sparked a desire to rebuild communities.

Women especially are looking for places where they can share experiences, support each other, and raise their children together in a nurturing network, preferably in their local community where they live.

Longing for Community?

If you long for this sense of community, you’re not alone. At Poise , we understand this need deeply and have had numerous conversations on the topic with our community. One of our core values is fostering belonging, community and support among women and their families.

We believe in the power of community to transform lives. By bringing women who crave community together, we can bring back the collective spirit of the past, combined with modern life, where everyone had a role to play, and no one had to face life's challenges alone.

Whether through community events, intimate mentor groups, or retreats, we are committed to building a network that provides the connection and support that modern women and families desperately need.

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