Redis Cheat Sheet
Mohammad Dastpak
Project Manager | Spearheading digital transformation strategies | Blockchain
Commands for Strings
1. SET key value: Stores a value for a key.
2. GET key: Retrieves the stored value of a key.
3. DEL key: Deletes a key and its value.
4. INCR key: Increases the numerical value of a key by one.
5. DECR key: Decreases the numerical value of a key by one.
6. APPEND key value: Appends a value to the end of the existing value of a key.
7. MSET key1 value1 key2 value2 ...: Sets multiple keys with their corresponding values.
8. MGET key1 key2 ...: Retrieves the values of multiple keys.
Commands for Lists
1. LPUSH key value: Adds a value to the beginning of the list.
2. RPUSH key value: Adds a value to the end of the list.
3. LPOP key: Removes and returns the first element of the list.
4. RPOP key: Removes and returns the last element of the list.
5. LLEN key: Gets the length of the list.
6. LRANGE key start stop: Retrieves a range of elements from the list.
7. LREM key count value: Removes elements equal to the value from the list.
Commands for Sets
1. SADD key member1 member2 ...: Adds one or more members to the set.
2. SREM key member: Removes a member from the set.
3. SMEMBERS key: Retrieves all members of the set.
4. SISMEMBER key member: Checks if a member exists in the set.
5. SCARD key: Gets the number of members in the set.
6. SUNION key1 key2 ...: Gets the union of multiple sets.
7. SINTER key1 key2 ...: Gets the intersection of multiple sets.
Commands for Sorted Sets
1. ZADD key score1 member1 score2 member2 ...: Adds one or more members with their scores.
2. ZREM key member: Removes a member from the sorted set.
3. ZRANGE key start stop [WITHSCORES]: Retrieves members in a range.
4. ZREVRANGE key start stop [WITHSCORES]: Retrieves members in a reverse range.
5. ZRANK key member: Gets a member's rank.
6. ZINCRBY key increment member: Increases the score of a member by a specified amount.
7. ZCARD key: Gets the number of members in the sorted set.
Commands for Hashes
1. HSET key field value: Sets a field-value pair in a hash.
2. HGET key field: Retrieves the value of a specific field in a hash.
3. HDEL key field: Deletes a field-value pair from a hash.
4. HGETALL key: Retrieves all field-value pairs in a hash.
5. HEXISTS key field: Checks if a field exists in a hash.
6. HLEN key: Gets the number of field-value pairs in a hash.
7. HINCRBY key field increment: Increases the numerical value of a specific field in a hash.
Commands for Bitmaps
1. SETBIT key offset value: Sets a bit at a specified position.
2. GETBIT key offset: Gets the value of a bit at a specified position.
3. BITCOUNT key [start end]: Counts the number of set bits (1s) in a key.
4. BITOP operation destkey key1 key2 ...: Performs bitwise operations (AND, OR, XOR, NOT) on bitmaps.
Commands for HyperLogLog
1. PFADD key element1 element2 ...: Adds one or more elements to the HyperLogLog.
2. PFCOUNT key1 key2 ...: Estimates the number of unique elements in one or more HyperLogLogs.
3. PFMERGE destkey sourcekey1 sourcekey2 ...: Merges multiple HyperLogLogs into one.
Commands for Bitfields
1. BITFIELD key [GET type offset] [SET type offset value] [INCRBY type offset increment]: Performs various bitfield operations on a key.
Commands for Geospatial Indexes
1. GEOADD key longitude latitude member ...: Adds geospatial items (longitude, latitude, member).
2. GEOPOS key member ...: Retrieves the coordinates of members.
3. GEODIST key member1 member2 [unit]: Calculates the distance between two members.
4. GEORADIUS key longitude latitude radius [unit] [WITHCOORD] [WITHDIST] [WITHHASH] [COUNT count] [ASC|DESC]: Searches for members within a radius from a point.
5. GEORADIUSBYMEMBER key member radius [unit] [WITHCOORD] [WITHDIST] [WITHHASH] [COUNT count] [ASC|DESC]: Searches for members within a radius from a specified member.
Commands for Streams
1. XADD key field value [field value ...]: Adds an entry to a stream.
2. XREAD [COUNT count] [BLOCK milliseconds] STREAMS key [key ...] ID [ID ...]: Reads data from streams.
3. XGROUP CREATE key groupname id-or-$: Creates a consumer group for a stream.
4. XREADGROUP GROUP groupname consumer [COUNT count] [BLOCK milliseconds] STREAMS key [key ...] ID [ID ...]: Reads data from streams as a consumer group.
5. XACK key groupname ID [ID ...]: Acknowledges receipt of stream entries by a consumer group.
6. XLEN key: Gets the number of entries in a stream.
7. XRANGE key start end [COUNT count]: Retrieves a range of entries from a stream.