Redhawk Records - Sprint #8
Recently, the 8th sprint of Redhawk Records came to a close. Mark Park and I have been pushing hard to get as much of our Records Academy course done before the end of the school year. Specifically over our eighth sprint, we really focused on outlining the rest of our modules. Halfway through, we switched to going in depth on each week, starting at Module 1. Going in depth for each week really gave us insight on how deatiled our lessons have to be. So far, these lessons have come out very well, and we hope to continue this steady growth. Another thing that we have decided is that with each lesson, we want to create a presentation so that whoever may be teaching the information that week can display it much easier. Our hope is that with the year coming to an end soon, we can fully finish our course so that students around the world can start running their very own record label, but both Mark and I know it will be hard given the level of detail that each module, lesson, and week have to be. We just have to both keep pushing and working hard to make it happen.