Redhat OpenShift: Deploying a Wordpress App and Setting Up Auto-Scaling
Image Credits: Redhat Developer

Redhat OpenShift: Deploying a Wordpress App and Setting Up Auto-Scaling

Thanks to Babar Zahoor for starting OpenShift bootcamp this Ramadan, and here I am sharing my learning from lesson 04 of his lecture.

A little introduction:

OpenShift can be seen as an extra layer on top of Kubernetes. it acts as a package manager for kubernetes. Just like a package manager simplifies the installation, updating, and removal of software packages on a system in traditional software development, OpenShift also abstracts away complexities of kubernetes by providing a user-interface for deploying and managing applications. It adds features like built-in CI/CD pipelines, automated scaling, monitoring, and a friendly user interface for developers and administrators.

Getting Started with OpenShift:

Lets get our hands dirty with OpenShift and see how easy it is to deploy a sample app on OpenShift in comparison to native Kubernetes environment.

We can use OpenShift either in the cloud or can install it on-premises. But using OpenShift on-premises typically requires a subscription from Red Hat so we will use a cloud based environment - Redhat's OpenShift Sandbox - which gives 30 days trial period.

Use the following link and login or sign-up (if you don't have a redhat account already) for an openshift developer sandbox.

Readhat OpenShift's developer Sandbox

Click the big Red button "Start you Sandbox for Free", login or sign-up and access the sandbox dashboard, which will look similar to this:

OpenShift Dashboard

From the image you can see that I currently have the "Topology" tab selected. This tab is useful since it shows all your resources in a graphical view. Some resources are already present here by default. Once we deploy our own app you can see it in this topology view also.

Also notice that on the top left corner, beneath the redhat openshift's trademark, "Developer" is selected with a little drop-down arrow on the right. This means that we are currently viewing things from developer's perspective. You can switch between developer's view and administrator's view by clicking on this dropdown, but currently let's stay in developer view and move on to the deployment of app.

Deploying the Wordpress App:

What's the one favorite thing that all DevOps engineers love? it's terminal! So let's bring up our favorite terminal and start firing some commands.

Initialize terminal from here:

Starting terminal

This will initialize the terminal.

Creating mysql service:

Once inside terminal, run the following command to create mysql service since this will be required by our wordpress app.

oc new-app mariadb-ephemeral        

In OpenShift, we run all commands with 'oc' in the beginning. As per Openshift's documentation, 'oc ' stands for OpenShift Container Platform's command line interface or OpenShift CLI.

We are using ephemeral version of mariadb, since we are just testing it for development purposes and not building any production ready workload. it's called ephemeral because it uses ephemeral storage.

An ephemeral storage is a storage tied to the lifecycle of pod, so when a pod is stopped, this storage automatically gets destroyed.

After running the above command, you will see an output similar to the following:

MariaDB service

Pay close attention to the mariadb credentials. it's better to take note of them or copy and paste them in some safe location. We need them later.

if you lost the credentials and did't save them, you can retrieve them again. See the 'troubleshooting and tips' section below

Our topology tab now shows a new resource:

Creating Wordpress deployment:

Once we are done with creation of mysql service, we will new move on and create the wordpress deployment. Run the following command:

oc new-app php~        

Notice the tilde symbol ~ between php and https. Now we will see some output like this:

Notice the last line. We need to expose our wordpress service so that wordpress app can be accessible from public.

Run the command suggested by terminal's output:

oc expose service/wordpress        

View the URL of the exposed service by running the following:

oc get route        

Now we have the URL.

Let's navigate to this URL and install wordpress.

Fill in the mariaDB credentials generated previously and 'Submit'. Done!

We have now successfully installed wordpress on OpenShift's cluster. it's that simple!

Setting-up Auto-Scaling

if you click on wordpress deployment inside 'Topology' pane, you will notice that openshift only spins up a single pod by default.

wordpress pod

This good if the workload is minimal. But in a production environment, where thousands of users are using the app simultaneously, having a single pod will create single point of failure and failure of this pod can cause downtime to our app.

To prevent downtime, we can setup auto-scaling. So that when the CPU or memory utilization of our pod passes a certain threshold, it should scale automatically by increasing the number of pods.

We are going to setup horizontal pod autoscaling for our wordpress deployment. In order to set that up, let's switch to 'Administrator' dashboard, and then inside 'workloads', we will select HorizontalPodAutoscalers.

Pay close attention to the tabs highlighted in red. Currently there are no autoscalers so let's setup one for our case.

Click on 'Create HorizontalPodAutoscaler' - the blue button on the top right corner - a YAML file will open up like the image below.

Pay close attention, I have just edited two lines in this YAML file.

HPA configuration

Inside scaleTargetRef , write the name of deployment on which we have to configure autoscaler which is wordpress in our case.

Under target, I have averageUtilization set to 1, also look for maxReplicas on line number 12 which is 3. What this means is that when the CPU utilization exceeds 1%, the pods will automatically gets scaled to a max of 3.

You can adjust these numbers according to your choice.

Once done with all these changes, click Create.

Testing Auto-Scaling with Apache Benchmark

Now we need to test our auto-scaling. Currently, we have only 1 pod, if the average CPU utilization exceeds 1%, it should scale to 3 pods.

Keep the metrics open in 'Observe' tab to view CPU utilization.

From the metrics in above image, we can see that the wordpress pod utilized maximum CPU of 0.016% on a specific unit time. Let's start sending some requests to our app to increase the CPU load. We will utilize apache benchmark utility for this purpose.

I have ubuntu on my local machine and I used the following command to install apache benchmark:

sudo apt install apache2-utils        

Once it gets installed, let's send 10,000 requests to our app and see the change in CPU utilization.

ab -n 10000 -c 500        

We are now sending a total of 10,000 requests with 500 concurrent requests at a time. The '/' at the end of app link is important, otherwise it will throw an error.

This will generate enough load to make the CPU utilization go beyond 1%. Let's check our wordpress deployment in 'topology' tab to see if it has auto-scaled to 3 pods.

From the image, we can see that the deployment automatically scaled itself from 1 pod to 3 pods.

Troubleshooting and Tips:

If in any case, you forget to take note of mariadb credentials while installing maridb service, you can retrieve the credentials again by following these steps.

First check if the secret with the name 'mariadb' exists:

oc get secrets        

it's here. Openshift normally saves credentials in the form of 'secrets', that's why you can see a lot of other secrets listed there also.

You can now see the specific secret in YAML format by running the following command:

oc get secret mariadb -o yaml        

We have got the credentials, but we can't use it since these are base64 encoded. In order to decode the value of each field, we can run the following commands for each field.

$ oc get secret mariadb -o jsonpath='{.data.database-name}' | base64 --decode
$ oc get secret mariadb -o jsonpath='{.data.database-password}' | base64 --decode
$ oc get secret mariadb -o jsonpath='{.data.database-user}' | base64 --decode        

These commands will show the decoded values of database-name, database-password and database-user.


OpenShift is Awesome! I enjoyed learning it and I expect that you also learned something from this article. if this article added any value to you, feel free to express your feelings in comments.

Muhammad Khan

Linux|DevOps/Cloud Infrastructure Engineer (Canadian Security Clearance Secret (Level II)

12 个月

MashAllah Excellent work

Adnan Rauf

Industrial Mathematics| Scientific Computing | Assistant Professor @ Sukkur IBA University

1 年

Attention to details especially troubleshooting tips is awesome Thanks for the wonderful contribution

Babar Zahoor

Co-Founder and CTO at Fusion AI & CloudDev Technologies | Board Member KPITB | OpenRiyadh | Founder OSFP | Digital Transformation | ex Systems Limited | ex Oxfam | ex BoD ISOC Pakistan | AI Cloud Architect

1 年

good work!


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