Redesign Your Brain?—?Redesign Your Life
Let me ask you a question, do you know that your brain is not fixed, meaning that it is actually adaptable to change? Well if you didn’t know, this could be life-altering news for you, especially if you are stuck with a “victim” over “victor” mindset. You may think that because you are middle-aged or older, that your brain is hard-wired! The good news is that this is far from the truth! You have the ability to rewire it through the scientific proven process of neuroplasticity.
Over the past few years, you may have heard of this term. However, if you haven’t, let me explain. defines neuroplasticity as the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. In a nutshell, research has actually proven that we can intentionally redesign our neural pathways to reprogram our brain’s thought process! This means that we can think our way into a victorious mindset and by doing so, we can experience overall victory!
I guess you could somehow think of yourself as being your own neurosurgeon or positive psychologist. Because in reality, you actually have some control over how your brain performs! It’s a matter of whether or not you choose to do something with it.
In what area of your life are you not experiencing victory? Is it your finances, health, relationships, career? Maybe you want to get to that next level in one of these areas. If that is the case, you can!
Neuroplasticity is a process that takes practice and patience but with practice and patience comes progress! And progress, derives results! You will have to undergo some mental training which has been scientifically proven to alter the physical shape of the brain.
If you want to get to that next level in some area of your life, you should harness the power of neuroplasticity. By redesigning your brain — your through process, you can actually redesign your life to be the life you have always envisioned. You can become your own Solutions Life Architect. Just as a design engineer has to conceptualize a design before putting it all together on a blueprint, you too can conceptualize the design of your life, by visualizing your victory. It all starts there!
This May, I will have my second Master’s in Human Behavioral Science. Back in 2006, I decided to get my MBA so that I could learn what was needed to start and run a successful company. However, once I realized that it isn’t just enough to understand the dynamics of business to be successful, I decided to pursue a Psychology degree to understand people and what makes them tick.
I am also an author. The framework of my first book, Fighting Fat with Fearless Faith is on rewiring the mind. My program doesn’t offer the typical advice on what to eat and how to exercise. It’s about retraining the mind to believe in what is true and then executing various strategies to work on their mindset. The battle with weight and most battles in life are in the mind.
After coaching hundreds of women through my Fighting Fat with Fearless Faith, I’ve come to realize they are struggling with so many other areas of their lives; their weight struggle is just a symptom of other battles. Many ladies come to awareness that comfort eating is a means of filling the void of not reaching their true potential. They feel unfulfilled in their occupations, relationships, financial aspirations, and more. They are not walking in alignment with their purpose in life. They lack joy!
I find myself becoming more of a life coach and being a change agent, coaching women on a wide array of topics, such as deepening relationships with others and God, advancing careers, accomplishing dreams of starting a business, improving finances, beating the battle of busyness, overcoming the fear of failure, refining time management skills, becoming more adventurous, traveling, etc. I have found that, with just a little guidance and encouragement, women can accomplish all they set out to do.
Once I got to the root cause of this with my clients and helped them come up with a strategic action plan for how to achieve those goals, they stopped turning to food! Many things held them back from living a valiant life victoriously, but I found the main one is having a victim mindset.
These Valiant Women are now more fulfilled because they are living out their lives with a victorious mindset and are no longer a victim of their own life circumstances. You see, they could have remained stuck in their current situations and continued to fill the void by comfort eating, but instead, they chose to strategically and relentlessly go after their missions. By doing so, they experienced joyful fulfillment and their weight eventually dropped because they were more confident in achieving their goals, which in turn, enabled them to confidently lose the weight.
So, back to the question that I asked you earlier- is there an area in your life where you are choosing to be stuck in the “victim” mindset? Is there an area where you want to experience victory? Do you believe that you have what it takes to get unstuck and breakthrough to that next level? If so, then why not take the proactive approach today to rethink how you plan to do so! Start by being mindfully aware of what you are thinking as you set out to accomplish your goals. Do a mind reality assessment daily and make sure what you are thinking is in alignment with where you want to go and what you want to accomplish. Take control of any negative thoughts you have and reframe them into positive ones. However, for us to truly be victorious in life, we must transform our mindset from a fixed “victim” to a growth “victor” mindset! We must become aware and intentionally exchange specific, negative, deep-seated beliefs with positive, deep-rooted ones, going from fearful to fearless, ambitionless to ambitious, surviving to succeeding, comparing to conquering and limiting to limitless ways of thinking.
Most importantly, choose today to believe in your potential because you have what it takes to be victorious!
Are you tired of feeling defeated in a specific area of your life? Are you ready to become victorious? If so, then download and listen to the 7 Essential Strategies on How to Live a Valiant Life Victoriously. This is my gift to you. Enjoy!
Be Valiant - Be Victorious!