Redefining Success Through Inclusion and Diversity

Redefining Success Through Inclusion and Diversity

This week, Unimed Litoral began integrating its new employees, and my brother was among them. He’s in the center of the photo, holding the trophy. And yes, he has Down syndrome.

I remember the first time my brother started working. It was at a pizzeria, and my family felt a mix of pride and fear. Pride because we were taking a step that we had only dreamed of, and fear that he might not meet expectations, that he might not achieve the desired results, that we would see him suffer.

Results... Expectations... Often, we are conditioned to think in a linear and limited way, revolving around these two concepts, placing ourselves in an almost paralyzing spiral that prevents us from seeing beyond our current reality.

However, when we open our minds to a more inclusive and diverse vision, we begin to understand the real impact of diversity.

My brother may not be the fastest at completing a task, but is what truly drives results in a company just the speed of execution? Or is it a combination of cultural factors, management, humanity, and joy? He may not be the most fluent speaker, but what is communication if not looks, gestures, smiles?

He may not be the one giving trainings or motivational courses, but what could be more motivating than looking at the person beside you and seeing barriers that, just a few years ago, seemed insurmountable being overcome?

Looking at him and the inclusive attitude of the company, we see a true revolution taking shape.

This is a lesson for society: true inclusion requires more than just providing opportunities; it demands a shift in mindset and the courage to see human potential in a broader, more generous way.

Congratulations to Unimed Litoral for creating a welcoming and diverse environment where everyone has the chance to grow and make a difference.

#Inclusion #Diversity #DownSyndrome #UnimedLitoral #Transformation #MindsetShift

Julia Meireles

Dasel plano saúde

5 个月

Orgulho de você


Parabéns para todos envolvidos nesse processo ????

Sabrina Loeck

Especialista em mkt, varejo e relacionamento com cliente.

5 个月

Parabéns ao Leandro! Com certeza ele tornará a rotina de nossos colaboradores e clientes ainda mais especial! #orgulhoempertencer #unimedlitoral

Carla Peters

Analista de Gest?o de Pessoas SR na Unimed Litoral | Professor Universitário | Consultoria na área de Gente e Gest?o | DISC | Especialista em Dinamica de grupos SBDG | Especialista em Carreira

5 个月

Que mensagem linda! Feliz em fazer parte desta empresa! ????


Coisa linda de ver. Falar sobre diversidade e inclus?o é fundamental, mas melhor ainda, é ver acontecendo na prática. Parabéns Unimed Litoral pela cultura de vocês! ??



