Redefining Success
Ghazala Rizvi
Founder | Business & Marketing Strategist | Ex-Google | Crime Fiction Author – Exploring People, Process & Psychology
Every night, as I cuddle in my warm blanket next to the blower, my dog eyeing it maliciously from a distance (he is not allowed to sit between the blower and me anymore during the stretch of the night, but that's a different story), my thoughts turn toward those - people and animals - who may be out there, in the cold winter, exposed, without adequate warm clothing or a roof over their heads. It's a disturbing feeling that sears through the warmth of my blanket and cold-grips my heart.
But as on most nights, I settle down with an extreme sense of gratefulness and renewed desire of letting go of the appetite to have more than I need.
Over the years, I had accumulated so much that I do not need, but I was dressing my house with things to fill my need to show others that I am successful; successful in the sense I presumed society understands.
I am grateful that now I am slowly realizing the meaning of success differently, and I have the courage to pursue it without fear of losing out to anyone.
I am so grateful for:
- I have a house full of laughter, a messy running-around of kids and dogs, and a maid who sings while she works.
- That I have a kid who intuitively places more value on abilities to be kind, caring, helpful and being non-judgmental, than on toys, clothes, and possessions. (...In spite of her mom hoarding toys, clothes and possessions for her over the years. I could have messed up her values!)
- I am lucky to have a guy, a teenager, who feels proud while carrying the dog feed to the strays around my area and who is a budding vet-paramedic in his own way. (I could have hired grumpy negative people instead!)
- I am so humbled that people and animals get the help or direction that they need from me, to the best of my abilities. Maybe much more is needed; I am working on it.
- I never cease to be awed by the fact that most of my friends have been with me my whole life, and we still find time, energy and desire to connect every few days.
- And that I find new friendships; and strike a bond with new people who are amazing and awesome in their own ways.
Life is Good :)