Redefining success, embrace happily the New Year…
The most urgent problem in the societies we live in, next of course to reducing poverty, in some cases war, fair treatment to refugees and immigration, and the education of their population; is the issue of taking care of their happiness and well-being.
Just like I mentioned in my last newsletter about my friend Phil who came to visit from Australia, and who was explaining to me and my friends why he could have been just as happy as an employee, rather than having set himself on the path to entrepreneurship; life is full of surprises and personal choices. The more freedom we use to make our choices, the easier it will be to feel happy with ourselves even when these choices sometimes are difficult or controversial.
In this last topic, it makes me extremely happy to be able to write this newsletter (last of the year 2023) to explain this idea of success that seems to be very much misunderstood and misused; often relating success and happiness solely to personal achievements, rather than enjoying ourselves, every moment, be a person of values, do more for others, feeling joyful, etc. No wonder, why do governments around the world have so many problems, right?
The solution to many problems starts with ourselves, and I noticed that the people who progress more in life are the people who let go more strong ideas about who they should be, how serious and better they are, and how good they are supposed to “fit” into a pattern of social acceptance. The pressure is not good, and an overdose is the killer of inspiration, originality, and passion.
Unless we spend a lot of hours reading biographies or practicing some kind of meditation for years, it seems that there are very few examples of success around us. I even dared to say that except few people, both the female and male roles we are exposed to, are generally not good examples of leadership, making it more difficult for our societies to grow healthy, with good values, and providing examples in families that can help our societies to evolve positively.
Some people might have had the good luck to have seen a mentally healthy and intelligent leader around them, but most don't.
Therefore, we must look and try to become better leaders in our lives to be true examples in our families, at work, and in anything we do. Is it being punctual is one of these small changes you need in your life, then go for it! Is it losing some weight or starting a new sport, no doubt why you should do it, right? What about thinking and doing more for those people you love? Does that sound like a good goal? Remember to put your goal high on the list.
Leadership is everywhere, just like education, and I bet that if you have yourself good leadership at home and in your private sphere, you also feel happy and satisfied about your life.
Many people speak these days about redefining success and I think this is a great topic to focus on. Real success is an attitude of feeling and talking assertively, becoming constructive about our own lives. So look around less, see inside of you more.
Acceptance is different than change. Some things we cannot change of course, but living in acceptance of everything, rather than becoming actors of change and improvement in our lives is also not an option.
Redefine how success looks to you by checking your values, what represents you, what you want to stand for, and what causes move you and you can help with; what are you good at and feel proud of? What can you change and improve around you?
The best investment you will and can make is in your personal development because then you can help yourself a bunch of people around you, your country, and society.
Any person can be successful and happy. You don’t need a big title, lots of money, or even to look like a beautiful artist or rockstar. Sometimes you just need to be yourself and love who you are and also what you do in your daily life. Stay consistent. Be the example.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a happy Year 2024.
With love,
PS: to receive more information about my new training in 2024, Mindfulness in your Heart, Happiness in your Life, send me a message or stay informed by email by subscribing to this newsletter.