Redefining spiritual evolution and leadership excellence.
Alexandra Terrey MEc
Crisis to Consciousness | Transformational Guide, Facilitator, Author, Speaker | ICF | Global Wellbeing | Conscious Leadership | Culture Change | Emotional & Energy Regulation | Burnout Prevention | High Achievers Mind
In today's busy and fast-paced world, we often overlook that personal growth extends beyond the physical and mental dimension—it includes spiritual and emotional dimensions as well. Personal growth, therefore, is four-dimensional: physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional.
Let me simplify spirituality; it's not about religion. Being spiritually conscious means being aware of our bodies, emotions, and energy, understanding their impact on others, and vice versa. To me, spirituality is the internal evolution of self—a journey of self-awareness and emotional fitness that manifests in conscious actions and behaviours.
Once we become conscious of our actions, we change. It's about embodying generosity, helping others, contributing without judgement, experiencing joy, expressing gratitude, and practising unconditional love. It's understanding the nature of consciousness, recognising duality, and wishing the best for others while celebrating their successes and achievements.
True spirituality is not about self-advertisement, self-pride, or showing off. Consider social media; posts and pictures screaming "look at me" lack inspiration. True spirituality is about letting people notice you without explicitly telling them to look. It's about adding value to their lives, not seeking validation.
However, the journey to spirituality often gets tangled in commercialisation and superficial promises. It's easy to get lost in the image of fancy retreats, events, and mesmerising workshops led by self-proclaimed gurus. I've been there—confused and deceived.
The most important step in spiritual growth is trusting yourself fully. I learned this the hard way, placing trust in so-called gurus only to realise there's no one-size-fits-all guru. Along the way, you'll encounter mentors, teachers, coaches, authors, and concepts naturally. All you need to do is listen—listen to the truth and seek to understand yourself.
Self-agency and self-authoring are crucial for reaching higher spiritual states, higher consciousness. Recognise that true spirituality is an inward journey—an exploration of self-awareness, consciousness, and the understanding of non-duality, emotional intelligence, and energetic balance.
Strip away the illusion and celebrate the simplicity of the inward journey. Spirituality isn't about accumulating knowledge or mastering modalities; it's about forging a profound connection with oneself and the universe. This connection enables us to navigate life consciously and with clarity, making choices that align with our highest good and the greater good of humanity.
Enlightenment isn't a goal; it's a lifestyle—a way of being that fills every aspect of existence. It's about cultivating compassion, gratitude, and kindness, and it's not a weekend getaway pretending to be spiritual while indulging in materialistic pleasures. I’m sure you’re seeing a lot of it on social media.? Posted pictures from an amazing spiritual retreat with beautiful souls ending with a bottle of wine or cocktail to celebrate. Without realising they are harming their energetic and spiritual body and admitting that this is not for them, they are not prepared yet, or they are not willing, yet.
So, if you're seeking spiritual fulfilment, look within. The journey begins with a decision—a commitment to self-awareness, growth, and conscious living daily. Embrace the complexities of existence, find peace in chaos, and radiate love and light into the world. Remember, enlightenment isn't a destination—it's a lifestyle.