Redefining Metrics for Success
Companies of all shapes and forms define metrics for success. They typically are in the form of quality of product and service and the time or schedule they are delivered to. Defining metrics that matter or measure actual customer satisfaction and revenue generation is one of the great challenges in business. One important awareness in defining metrics is that they are not static but dynamic and must adapt to changing business climates and customer needs. Chipolte has made such a metric shift. After a food scare in late 2015, the company has adapted its metrics for success to reflect food handling at all stages of internal and supply chain processing. In addition, incentives are provided for employee awareness of product quality and safety at all levels. As a result, Chipolte's stock is on the rise. This is just one example of a company who has learned from an occurrence, redefined its metrics for success, and actually implemented them resulting in positive results. Defining and refining metrics that actually matter takes research, patience and work but can yield lucrative results including employee buy-in and engagement.