Redefining Learning
For most of my life I have not liked education and, by association, the word learn/learning. It was stale, irrelevant, and removed from life. The challenge was that I moved overseas when I was twenty-one and have been in different cultures for most of my life. To my surprise, this pushed me into a place where learning was not an option but a vital part of life. Here are the ingredients that make up the word learn/learning.??
Ownership?– I have a clear sense of my involvement and take personal responsibility for the part I play. In the language I use, I am fully present physically, emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually. I want to show up.??
Risk?– Creativity is exploration; to be an explorer is to go to new unknown places. There is always a risk involved and I am not directly in control. I choose to be vulnerable to the situation and work with it rather than impose my will on it.?
Feelings play a part?– I bring my values in and try to engage them as much as possible. As values communicate through my emotions, I must learn to work with emotions as an essential part of learning.?
Action-orientated?– Learning is not separated from doing. Action is learning in motion. I am engaged, asking questions and curious. As I learn, I experiment and test what I am learning in my daily relationships and life choices.??
Words matter?– I am aware of the power of words and do not speak lightly because I know the words I use, define the relationships I have.?
Meta Reflection?– I practice stepping back and observing everything around me to get the big picture and not be consumed in any singular moment. I want to learn about learning itself and how I can improve learning by stepping out of it and questioning how to do it more effectively.?
Reflective questions
What would it mean to make learning a part of your life?
How is it radically different from institutional learning?
Which area above can you grow in your own learning/development?