Redefining GREAT

Redefining GREAT

Careerconsortia as a charity in Singapore, has created a huge impact without many knowing exactly how. However, we have been there since 10 years ago as an exclusively charitable social enterprise providing huge impacts to the individuals of communities without placing any form of charges.

It has enabled a statutory board to take on its model of engagement, and subsequently rebranded its entire name and brand in late 2017 and with the proposals that was submitted support many citizens in Singapore for the past 5 years.

With engagements having supported both the public and private sector, Careerconsortia went on to substantiate its redefined engagement model between 2019 to 2020 to have a 100% conversion success and was awarded charity status in 2021 to take on a greater role in supporting the citizens in Singapore.

While the previous engagement model support everyone as a resident of Singapore whether or not they were local or foreigners, Careerconsortia as a charity in 2021 onwards will serve exclusively Singaporeans as part of the restrictions placed on us by the charity commissioners.

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Unlike many charitable organizations / social enterprise, Careerconsortia Limited, formerly known as Prestige Partners & Associates, had been exclusively charitable and nonprofit since the day it was set up.

There was no public fundraising and the founder volunteered and funded the operations on his own to deliver every single aspect of providing for the community. No one in the charity drew any salary. There was no giving back to society because they received anything from the public; it was purely giving.

And, most importantly the organization, did not rally funds to do the work they had set out to do. The founder feel that he should be dedicating to the cause rather than to carry a flag and get funds from others to do the job. He felt that it should not be an opportunity to get paid or to get recognition; dedicated everything without self preservation, without remuneration and was committed to the work on full time while financing for the expenses that were needed.

100% of revenues go towards the work of the charity and there is no self interest. The charity welcomes any competent leaders to step forward to serve and lead, as long as they are abled and stay clear of self serving behaviors which is so prevalent & pervasive.

Along the way, there were partners who came to the calling as well to contribute to the programmes held for public interest. The reason why the organization was named as Careerconsortia was because we needed everyone to come together and build the careers that we are looking forward to.

Coming to this, we would like to ask everyone to join us in our programmes and campaigns and to better promote our collective interests. No one, nor any parties could truly deliver what we are looking for. Because time and facts have proven to everyone that we could only rely on ourselves not as an individual but as a collective.

We will be pushing out our latest updates on how everyone can benefit from our programmes shortly. Please follow us to stay updated. We have great news to share very soon.

Our promise is that it will be mind blowing. Stay Tuned by Following Us.

#Careerconsortia #WeCareMore #PPA #2022 #charity #GREAT #PACT



