Redefining The Future That We Face
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Redefining The Future That We Face

Learning From The FTX's collapse, let's take the advice of Winston Churchill and "Never let a good crisis go to waste."

The path to Redefining forward is to collectively acknowledge:

  • Digital assets are a class that has already become part of the fabric of our financial system.
  • Self-regulation is insufficient. In the absence of robust supervisory controls, effective risk management is too easily overlooked or ignored.?
  • Regulation and innovation do not need to be mutually exclusive. Regulation can evolve as innovation grows.
  • Digital assets share enough similarities with traditional assets that it is possible for governments and legislative bodies to leverage existing regulatory frameworks. In essence, apply the same controls to digital assets that we do to the dollar.
  • Creating a separate framework for a special asset-class would prevent our financial institutions from applying existing supervisory controls to protect consumers and lead to regulatory arbitrage.??
  • Digital assets are already part of our future. The ability to move enormous amounts of value instantaneously is here. Beyond crypto-assets we are creating tokens of equities, debt and even kilowatt hours. Will the EPA be tasked with monitoring illicit funds activity? Bad actors will always target agencies with the least resources.
  • Traditional banking services, such as custody, servicing, escrow, and conversion are agnostic to customer asset types. The debate on capital reserve requirements should focus on whether assets are held on-balance or off-balance sheet. The risks attributed to assets held in a simple digital safety deposit box are not comparable to loans collateralized by a highly volatile asset.
  • Maintaining a Zero Trust Policy could be effective means to an end.

With an effective understanding of the above, lets think about one of the most important element from the above:

Self-regulation is insufficient

How in the world could self regulation be sufficient? Is it not wrong in the first place? The whole point of auditing is to not self regulate and to have public accountability & maintain public reporting and whistleblowing should there be any discrepancies.

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How many times has this been flagged and raised? Why is everyone doing nothing to stand up and speak up? How is everyone complaining and pointing fingers at others for the things that they themselves failed to do or take action?

Are you to do nothing and watch your fellow citizens suffer? Are we truly innocent by doing nothing? Are we faultless? Do we need to understand this fact when we ourselves become victims?

Refer to this incident:

For more than 40 minutes, a woman was harassed by a stranger on a public transit train in Philadelphia and then raped while bystanders held up their cellphones, seemingly to record the assault, police said.
The attack happened last Wednesday night on the city's transit system, the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority, or SEPTA. The incident led to calls from police urging the public "to be our partners and to watch out for other riders" after officials said passengers did not physically intervene or call 911.

The Truth In the World We Live In

The very reason some of us here are trying to change the future, is because we are victims of what this society has become. We are here not just to help. We are here to get everyone to understand one point, we could be part of the problem that lead to where we are today.

The future needs to change, but we ourselves has to change first. If it is to be, it is up to me. I have lead the way, but I am not asking anyone to follow because I don't think there will be any who wishes to put himself or herself last in order to help everyone else.

I am only asking everyone to not add fuel to the flames. I am only asking for everyone to help promote our values to as many as possible so that we could do more and serve better.

We are named Careerconsortia not because we are leaders, but because We cannot do it alone, while the rest of the people are working against us indirectly through what they do and we need to work with everyone to build everyone's future.

Of course we are not taking of the minorities who are at the top of the food chain, we are asking for everyone that is being harvested right now and in the future. In the long run, everyone is affected.

We seen this coming more than 10 years ago, only that we did not think it will be that fast. Our mistake was to imagine that the problem was a linear equation when in fact it is progressing an accelerating pace.

Let us imagine the problem as a beast. The beast's hands and legs are growing longer and it runs faster and gets increasingly better at what it does, relentlessly without fail and fear.

The unemployment and predicament in Singapore did not come about because of the crisis. It came about as early as the 1990s and now it has reached the breaking point.

We have lead and #pioneered the #employment #assistance model although the name was not our invention but the model was ours and our effective model in 2020 yielded a 100% #conversion.

While this was money grabbing #exercise for the others who took the initiative, at our end not only did we not try to get any money from the authorities or the public, we paid fully for all the expenses together with those who cared enough for our nation as a whole. We value #patriotism where not many do, to simply do our part.

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The need for a corruption free scoiety

After becoming a charity we took on greater #roles, #visions and sought to do more. What we did not, was to not use this as a flag for gaining any public funds.

Whether or not the local #authorities and charity units give us any money or not, we will proceed to do what we do. In fact, we started since 2011 until this day and has been paying it forward without any funds being solicited from the public.

While we met too many #mercenaries who sought to use the charity's status to initiate personal benefits or even to create #social inequality in the business world using the charity's #pride and #honor for the ease of getting #profits, we simply refused regardless of what they put on the table for us.

The #inequality is where those that had private dealings and uncharitable models were given special access and recess, we had none and yet we need to be punished for the norms that they created so that every decent #charity out there had to face stricter governance. So this parade of holiness from this #governance gave those hooligans a green lane not just for public funds, access as well as priority status to profit and pay themselves first.

A #charity is where we help the #beneficiaries and not being there to take money from the public in the name of self profit or benefit. This is akin to going to the #church and making it a #marketplace. It is a damnation.

Precisely, at #Careerconsortia no one receives any salary for the work and dedication which we undertake and within us, we pay for everything ourselves for the public organization. While the rest receives, we pay because #wecaremore to do more for the people.

With what we do, we want to change the future with the old school of thought and mindsets. Money is #Prestige yes, but who we are and what we do is the #real deal.

We seek our #Partners to come together and do what we do, as a #contrarian to those that are getting partners to #rip society off. Even our #Associates will do the same. We do not want to be associated with #Beasts, because we do not want to be #marked as one of them.

From the day, this model and the rest of the #blueprints were #adopted from our #proposal submissions to the authorities back in 2016 - 2021, we had already benefited millions through them. While there were many locals who claimed that the #national programme was a scam, I would always clarify that I believe they did not know exactly how the model could and could not work. In the end too much money was splurged on the wrong things and everything failed.

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By Doing Nothing, Keep Slient, We Hear the Screams of Millions

From our last engagement, we had a 100% conversion with very little costs being incurred in 2020. This brought us to take the validated approach we have to become a charity and to help millions.

But even so we were presented hurdles where we were told we cannot do it because regulations did not allow us under the code of charity. However just very recently we realized that were one or two organizations who could effectively do what we were not allowed to do.

This brings us to the topic of unequal terms & rules being dished out to the same kind of work that we are doing. The only difference was we started since 2011 and the other group started in late 2020.

We look forward to see how this could be effectively redefined in the #future that we all live in.

Please help to #Share & #Recommend so that we could reach 1,000 #Followers. We are not asking for any money. We are asking for your reach. Our #Plead is for your support because we need it to help many more.



