Jesus Recreates!
Jesus Recreates!
Pastor Joseph Clark – Airing September 24, 2023
Many ask…” Is there a God? Who is Jesus? Which religion is the right one? Is there a right one? Does it matter? Why is there so much suffering in this world? Does God care? Do I matter? Does God even know that I am here? When bad things happen, am I being punished? Is the Holy Bible, truly the word of God or is it just written by a bunch of dudes? Why are church people so hypocritical? What is the truth? It is all so confusing and ridiculous. I do not know what to think…”Many say…” I am not good enough for religion.”We can feel filthy, disgusted with ourselves, unworthy, used up, damaged, injured, and victimized. We can feel that it is too late for us. That we have doomed ourselves. God calls all people to be with Him. Jesus came for sinners. Are you addicted to porn? Have you had an abortion? Have you been in prison? Are you an alcoholic? Drug user? Do you have HIV? Do you have thoughts of suicide? Do you believe yourself to be too smart for religion? Have you committed adultery? Are you a prostitute? God who created you, who formed you, sees you as beautiful, cherished, loved, respected, appreciated, adored, celebrated, treasured, and protected. Jesus says:“I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”- Matthew 9:13The Gospel is the good news that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died for our sins and rose again, eternally triumphant over his enemies, so that there is now no condemnation for those who accept Him as their Lord and Savior, but only everlasting joy.The Gospel is truth. Christ alone is the only way to reconciliation with God, the only way to eternal life with God. We owe our salvation entirely to the undeserved favor of God’s grace. We are not saved by religion. We are saved by a personal relationship in Christ. We are not saved by following a bunch of rules. We are saved by the new creation we become in Christ. Christ is our freedom. You do not have to be anyone other than you are right now to give yourself to Jesus unconditionally with all your heart, to be freed from the darkness of sin and shame.Nothing is more critical in our lives than where we spend eternity. This life is so short. But God wants us to spend eternity with Him in paradise. Christ knows everything about us, the good, the bad, and the ugly. He knows all our dirty little secrets and he says: Follow me, you are mine. I will be with you until the end of the age. Nobody will take you from my hand.When we bring the faith to God, He saves us from ourselves, and welcomes us into His kingdom now and for all eternity, as “Holy”, He welcomes us as “Saints”. We will stand before the Lord someday without blemish, without transgression, and we shall receive no condemnation.What if you could press the reset button? What if you could start this life fresh? What if you could get another chance? What if you could be a brand new you? What if you could shed dirt once and for all and become so clean that you are “Holy”?You can. How? Bring your faith and give yourself to Jesus? How do we you do this?Repent, yield, and dedicate yourself to the Lord, receiving Jesus Christ with all our heart as Lord and Savior. Do this with sincerity and you will no longer be estranged from God. Do this and you will be baptized by God The Holy Spirit. You will be born-again and saved in Christ. Surrender yourself to Jesus. “Fear not for I have redeemed you, I have called you by name. You are mine.” – Isaiah 43:1
Lord Jesus Christ,
I am a sinner.? I cannot save myself.? I cannot do this life without you.? I give myself to you unconditionally.? I repent.? You are the way, the truth, and the life, nobody comes to the father except through you, there is salvation in no one else, God has given us no other name under by which we can be saved but yours, Lord Jesus.? Save me Lord.? I receive you as Lord and Savior and I give control of my life to you.? Guide me as I live for you.? In your precious and mighty name, I humbly pray, Lord Jesus Christ.?
Yehovah's Watchman for God's People, the Church
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